You guys with 12v setups what are you guys useing ball valve or are you useing a gun? Right now I have a gun setup from pressure tek. I also bought a ball valve setup to… just wanted to know some pros and cons of the two different setup
I started out with a gun but it began leaking before i completed the first wash with it. Went to lowes and bought a couple ball valves. Now when ever one starts leaking i just change it out real quick.
I use a ball valve like the one you have and then a nozzle. Have mine setup so that I can use a variety of different type hose nozzles.
Genius! @Racer
Between the nozzle and ball valve have basically infinite spray combinations.
How did you set that up? So you don’t use a j rod to spray with ? Is that red hose 5/8? Or 1/2 inch
1/2" hose. After ball valve, just little 4 or 6" pipe, get mnpt to mght adaptor from hardware store or anywhere
@Racer How do you like that Master Nozzle?
Also, is that Flex Tech RT hose? If so, how do you like it?
just the kuri tec hose. I like the Master Nozzle. What I use about 70% of the time. The only thing it doesn’t do is a flat spray, but I’ve learned to work around. It’s virtually indestructible. Probably weighs about 2 lbs. Lifetime warranty is you tell him you heard about on RCIA.
Thanks for the info…I like that red Kuritec!
Where do you find that master nozzle at? Is that what you use most of the time on roofs @Racer
Me too, have had it 3-4 years and still in good shape. If I bot new today would be the same.