Bad advice

The interwebs are full of horrible advice. Its one thing to destroy your own home, but how many people watch this and get paid to destroy someone elses home?!?

Anybody who watches that then thinks “hey, I can do this for money” is going to run into plenty of other issues from bad ideas…

I wrote a very nice but rather long comment on how I liked his production value but his information was wrong and he was going to be the reason why some people’s siding got damaged. I outlined how to properly do it for his setup and asked for a possible redemption video so that he is not spreading house damaging misinformation online and asked him to contact me if he had any questions or comments and I’d be more than happy to answer any questions he has. I thanked him for his time.

About a minute later my comment was deleted. :joy: Guys a douchebag. People are the worst.

Setting proper expectations and customer education is so paramount and the fact that he’s ok with people just going HAM on vinyl is so shortsighted.