USPS needs to hang it up. They suck
Your still waiting??
How much for a spare?
It’s $12 and that’s what it costs me. But if you have prime I can send you a link. I don’t make money on it so no need for it to come to my house before yours!
But I secretly let the cat rub up against each remote before I send it out!
Do they have to transport to you by air boat or something down there???
. Yeah man I have prime that would be awesome.
Lol no. Amazon prime comes to me in 1-2 days. PT 3 days. It’s just the US Postal Service
Mailman must have seen through a window while delivering mail and saw Chris rub it on that gargoyle looking creature and figured it was meant for him. Package is probably smashed up and laying 1/2 mile down the road from his house in a ditch.
She gets pretty wild if we feed her after midnight and I can attest that spraying her with water sends her into a rampage!
You just had to post that picture didn’t you?
Why in the world would water bother her? She’s waterproof. I guess she thinks she’s a cat though.
After that picture I’m going to give you my unpopular opinion. I want one. I think he/she will be great for for Lacey. @Grizz make an overlay so I can test out the idea.
Well I’m friends with a breeder! You drive on up and make a weekend out of it!
I love your cat, Chris. I don’t care how much it looks like a gargoyle or gremlin. It’s a cat, and it’s cute.