Any members?

Hello folks, just wondering if anyone is a member of the pwna or uamcc. If so what are the benefits you receive and what are the downfalls?

I have been members of both. Both did a lot of damage to the contractors when RH was on their boards. Pwna still owes me money. Uamcc appears to be harmless and toothless. Neither have our interest in mind in my opinion

Pros & cons? Is it worth considering?

What is RH?

I’ve been a member of uamcc for a few years. Probably won’t renew next year. Get a few discounts from suppliers but not that much. They do offer some good free training, but don’t have to be a paying member for that. A lot of politics and drama all the time. They’ve got about 700 members and 500 of them seem to want to run the place. I rarely ever go on their FB page anymore. Much better ones w/o all the drama.
Here it’s nice a low key most the time.

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I can think of no pros to either one

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I am a member of the UAMCC.
I have been trying to make sense of the recent shake-up at UAMCC.
I have been a fan of Rob Anderson (Clean Power Wash, Salisbury MD, LOL) and his YouTube channel for quite a while now.
It seems that he and Ron Musgraves have been in a pissing match recently, and I haven’t had enough time to follow up and figure out who won.
(There usually are no clear winners in pissing matches, speaking from many,many personal experiences)

New people come on these boards and comment on how there is too much drama, and I laugh.
There is drama EVERYWHERE!
Anyway, I like it here. Flare ups, Trolls,Crabby old Guys, Newbies asking dumb questions, Stupid “way off topic” posts and all.
It’s mostly just guys being guys, and this place is WAYYYY more cordial than my regular job. Just sayin’
There is WAYYY more information given freely here than any other forum I have found.
I feel like this is home, until you guys get sick of me and kick me off! LOL


I think Rob’s one of the 500 that want to be president.


Not to worry, there are a few guys ahead of you in that line.