Had a client call about a TON of guardrails inside a parking garage. Taking some quick measurements its about 185x180 linear foot surrounding every floor and 140ft on both sides of the inclined areas on an 8 story garage. Ive never had to price out something like this. How would you guys do about it? Material+Labor? $0.10ft?
Got pics?
See if he’ll let you go clean a 10’ section someplace on a weekend when they’re not busy. Then you’ll have your answer. Always post a pic if possible, otherwise we don’t have a clue what you’re dealing with.
Sorry guys busy day. Im going back tomorrow to snap some pictures!
After some consideration and time break down i think we will be somewhere around .90 a linear foot (we are damn close to 11k linear foot not include somemof the handrails that we will need to be done. This would include degreasing, stiff brushing in applicable areas and some good old fashion high pressure. Keep in mine this is a busy garage so this will need to be split into multiple nights so they can block off certain floors each night. Also one key factor that is being factored in is the garage height, low point is about 6’ 7" so our flat bed is out of the question and our pickup BARELY fits. We will have to set up a seperate trailer for this one to mount some extra equipment, chem tanks and water totes. We are still discussing some water options, they have what appears to be 2" water lines coming in on every level so we need to see if there are directly linked with the local fire department or not ( i know turning some of these on will notify the fire department immediately ) a water truck is out of the question on this one because of the height!
Some of this stuff is THICK. We priced in the time for brushing as a precaution. I tried scraping a bit of it with my finger nail and although it came off a bit, some of it may need some serious agitation. Open to some suggestions for 2 stepping to save time of course! The linear price at first seemed a little high to me, but after breaking down the labor+material, (3) guys for (3) 8 hour shifts (night shifts at that), plus material, having to set up a whole trailer specifically for this job, material and budgeting in some extra time (nothing is ever as easy as it seems like its going to be) my calculations dont see too far off!
Don’t be afraid to charge that. Sometimes it’s hard for us to justify the prices we charge but that’s business. Night work is time and half or double regular price. Price it as if you get it you know it will be profitable. If it doesn’t work you’ll find other work elsewhere making the same amount. Good luck man!
Exactly, even on this new truck got some garage area that the rain cover on machine ( I can just unbolt it as needed) I barely clear some areas by 2"
How much dirty water are you going to have to chase and how far? Sometimes that takes longer than the cleaning?
What chems are you planning on using ?
Look at you already working on pre-orders for your up and coming 2 step soaps.
Not gonna lie I do see an opportunity to make the man happy lol.