A lot of customers don't want SH on their property

A lot of customers don’t want SH on their property at all. They hate it. I’m trying to figure out ways to clean a roof maybe w/hot water and a surface cleaner. Same w/ patios. I think it’s time for hot water soon.



How do you word it when you talk to them?
“We use bleach on your house”


“We apply a diluted algaecide solution containing sodium hypochlorite, similar to what is used in swimming pools”

I’ve only had a couple people ask me not to use it, then I show them what that bill would be. They changed their mind or I never talked to them again.

If you try to clean a roof with a surface cleaner, you won’t be in business long.


Just listen to ZZ Top.


We never use the word bleach unless we have to, but even then the conversation is not about what the product is, but rather that it’s the correct product for the job. They’re free to hire someone else to do it wrong, or do it wrong themselves…we’re only going to do it the correct way.


This last one I never mentioned it ahead of time. I just started using it. I had a good surfactant cover but they could still tell. And that’s just one example.

What’s frustrating is that I have pressure cleaning on my vehicle and biz but the pressure cleaner is sitting there while I’m doing what? applying chemical. Property owner has a point about that. If I’m not using pressure and just spraying chemical I’m not a pressure cleaner I’m a chemical applicator. It’s false advertising.

It’s a two step process, apply chem and medium pressure for the gutters, deck, concrete whatever.

By all means change your name if you want to punch yourself in the face by saying it’s false advertising.

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You didn’t say “extreme” pressure cleaner. You are using pressure, just enough pressure to get the job done without causing damage to the home.

With respect, that’s pretty poorly thought-out reasoning. The chemical you are applying is under pressure. The term “pressure washing” has no official definition. You could be using 3 PSI, and it would still be “pressure.” My business name also has “pressure washing” in it. There is no PSI rating at which “washing” becomes “pressure washing.”

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They know it’s SH. The owner doesn’t want their plants going into shock, they don’t want it getting rinsed into the soil. They don’t want their grass getting burned. And for concrete tile roofs, it goes onto the face of the tile but the lips of the tile are hard to get. Sure, you could get in on a technicality and say you are using PSI @60 psi and that’s pressure washing but you are still bringing chem 30 gallons onto their roof and rinsing it into their grass. Most here in S. Florida know what’s going on a lot of plants and landscape around.

If it makes you feel better, use the term soft washing. That way, you are applying chemicals and using low pressure so as to not damage their investment.

If someone asks for something to be cleaned without SH charge double. Its not your problem and they are going to be a pain in the butt anyways.

In my estimates i use the term "apply algicide/surfactant to ____ to kill organic growth. Rinse with water.


What kind of roofs are you talking about? If its shingles inform them about the way to properly clean it by ARMA https://www.asphaltroofing.org/

Theres 2 ways. One is use SH, the other is use oxygen bleach. You can use hydrogen peroxide on their shingles instead. Both are approved methods.

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The last couple were flat concrete tile.

Gotcha. Ill shut up then as we do not have those at all up where im at. :slight_smile:

Advertise you use vinegar. Hey, it kills mold better than bleach.

Do you explain the process in detail to them? “I pre-wet and soak all vegetation, apply chem, rinse off vegetation, clean siding, and one final rinse?”

This is what I usually do, then I usually crack a joke and tell them I wouldn’t be in business if I killed everybody’s plants. Sometimes I get a laugh lol.

Also… You are using the chemical and the pressure washer, the chemical does the heavy lifting, reducing the amount of time that you are using the pressure washer. Property owners/customers don’t dictate the process you use. A patient doesn’t tell a surgeon what tool he should use for brain surgery.

If they think they should, I’d find different customers.

How do you know?

No I don’t really explain the process. I just give a price. Then I do what I need to do which is pretreat the surface.

I can read.

Kidding, don’t use vinegar. It smells like pickles.