7 Best Social Media Marketing Platforms

I thought some of you might find this useful. the Entrepreneur E Mag generally has some interesting things in it if you haven’t seen it before so since this seems to come up quite frequently I thought I’d post the link.


“A little more than one hour of social media marketing work per day can result in enhanced lead generation with greater revenue streams, greater customer loyalty, and wider exposure. The issue is not so much whether social media is an effective means of engaging customers for your business marketing purposes, it’s which social media channels you should be using.”
I used to sell ad space for radio stations and my pitch was “why does Coca-Cola still advertise”, and it comes down to relevance, and being a ‘household name’, they can’t call you if they don’t know you exist.

I’m about 20 pages deep into reading about starting an ecommerce store (dog stuff) with Oberlo and no less than 20 videos. This is super relevant for not only the PW company, but an online store I hope to have up and running by the new year.

Good stuff.

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