$6600+ for winner of before and after pics on PWC bb contest

Powerwashing Community is having a really cool before and after Picture contest for the Powerwashers. I didn’t paste the link here because I do not remember if that’s allowed here or not and feel free to edit or remove post as per PWRA rules.

Here is the Email I received where the winner will receive over $6600 in prizes.

Over $6,600 in PRIZES!!!
This is going to be a spectacular contest.* Have you every taken a before and after photo of one of your power washing jobs and really thought you had an amazing photo.* Well, now here is your chance to enter in the Power Wash Community Before and After Photo Contest that will be judged by your fellow power washers.

Here is all you have to do:
Simply post your before and after photos to the Photo Contest Thread at Power Wash Community Forum no later than September 29th.* Click this link to enter: Before and After Photo Contest.* Only one entry per contestant.
Include a brief description of the what the pictures represent
Must post in Forum section of PWC a minimum of 10 times during the month of September. Post must in the spirit of PWC.
Members of the community will cast their votes
First round of voting will take place between September 30th - October 5 Central Standard Time.
Depending on the number of contestant a second round voting may take place from the the top 10 in the first round will take place between October 7th - 12th Central Standard Time.
1st Place
$1600 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com*
Diamond Package to KEC Supplies - $1559.88 value
2 A Day 60 Bid Appointments from Bidslot Marketing - $999 value
1 year membership to Power Washers of North America - $350 value
1 year membership to Pressure Washing Resource Association - $349 value
$250 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*
5 Gallons of Reddy Seal - $145 value
5 Gallons of EBC - $134.75 value
2nd Place
$400 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com*
Platinum package to KEC Supplies - $389.97 value
$100 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*
3rd Place
$150 Gift Certificate from PowerWash.com*
Gold Package to KEC Supplies - $129.99 value
$50 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*
We look forward to seeing you post your great photo’s and the great work our industry performs!
Michael Hinderliter
Power Wash Community Admin*

Look close at some of the prizes that go to the winner such as a [SIZE=5]PWRA MEMBERSHIP[/SIZE]:cool:

That is a heck of a contest. Y’all find your best B&A picture and get in it to win it!

Here is the link:


Wow thats a great contest!

$6,000.00 in prizes!

People should jump on this… I know I could use just about everything being give away there :smiley:

The prize pool has grown to over $7,100 in prizes and the Deadline is quickly approaching, September 29th, don’t miss your chance to win a portion of the prizes!![COLOR="#FF0000"][/COLOR]