5000 sq/ft driveway

I have the pentair black proportioner I barely used it and took it off some months ago. Will sell to you for half price if you like. I just ordered the hydromixer XL for my new gas powered softwash system that I also just ordered,

@dcbrock Wondering how big your trailer is. I am giving some serious thought into purchasing one so I don’t have to keep moving things on and off my truck with a skid and from my garage into the truck. I was thinking about a 6x10, but yours is looking like a 5x10 or 5x8. I really like the decaling and is another reason I want to go with the trailer.


Mine is an el-cheapo 5x8 and while it’s nice and skinny for our ridiculously narrow roads, I would greatly prefer a 6x10 with side door. I’m only using an enclosed for security reasons. It would be a lot more convenient to have a 12’ open trailer.

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Mine is that I am a part timer with the ability to store my skid in my friends barn when not in use. I could park a trailer outside when not in use. I feel like keeping on an exposed trailer would be bad with the elements and I could keep everything there if enclosed? I guess I could tarp over the winter and have a weather proof box for the 12v. I learned that lesson already. What size buffer tank do you run on your 8 gpm machine in that trailer then? Thanks!

I have my stuff on an open trailer, outside. My biggest issues is when the freeze/thaw cycles happen. I pretty much don’t work then as it is a PITA to constantly winterize then flush the antifreeze and rehook all the hoses. Of course I also do this as a side hustle and not a primary income so I don’t have a need to work daily. The second thing I would say that is a PITA about an open trailer that sits outside is that every time it rains I have to empty all my pump ups, buckets, etc. In the winter I cover the trailer with thick rubber roofing to keep the snow and ice off it. I also have a tractor to lift it up, because that crap is heavy and covering an 18’ trailer takes a lot of material. The third PITA is that between the chems and the sun/rain I pretty much recoat the topside yearly. That is probably just me though, as I can’t see driving up to clean someone’s house or do their deck with chipped up or fading paint. I also touch up any rusting on the black, just looks bad.

I can step up on the low profile trailer and access anything easily, including all the plumbing that tends to leak over time. I think it is the vibrations between road travel and equipment working that causes things to loosen. I live in the boondocks, so sometimes I am driving 45 minutes one way for a gig, and the roads aren’t smooth, and many long drives are just gravel and are rough. I have my extra hoses stored in a box in the middle of my trailer, out of the way until I need something.

My storage options are wide open, meaning I can go as vertical as I want (with some limitations). I have lots of spare room right now.

The biggest benefit to me is that when I am driving down the road I can look in the rearview or in my camper/extended mirrors and see just about everything, including the vehicles behind me.

Hope this helps in your decision making. In the north, an enclosed trailer would be easier to heat up with just a little plug in electric heater. Plus the wrap would help for advertising. You can put advertising on an open trailer, but it just doesn’t look the same.

I appreciate your thoughts, Dirtyboy. 18’ is a big trailer. I am not anywhere near that size. I know things grow quickly though. In a year’s time, I look at my “cadillac” 4 gpm Honda/Cat machine and think how much faster I could move with a larger machine. It’s filling up all my free time as it is so I can’t complain. Blessings!

Just found out I can’t even run a buffer tank with my machine. Looking at going the softwash proportioner route. Lots to consider. Thanks again!

As promised, here’s an after pic of the driveway. We have the pleasure of doing the windows today.

It started raining and you could faintly see the stripes when wet but you’d really have to be looking for them.