You’re kinda in the same boat as me and not wanting or able to have large equipment permanently mounted. For washing houses, I developed a small cart that boosts water pressure and downstream the cleaner on and rinse all at less than 100 psi. No large machine running the whole time, no tanks, reels, any of that. Just a very lightweight cart, some super light expandable hoses, and my gun with a low pressure injector. It can pull as strong as 5:1 and about 20 other ratios to choose from.
I carry a 4 GPM pressure washer on a trailer hitch cart for when I do have a pressure washing job, but that’s only about 10% of my jobs or less.
Not saying my setup is right for you, buy might give you some ideas. Some think it’s crazy or stupid, others like the idea. For me, I love it and have the next design already planned out. Here is a link to my post about it. I’ve made some minor tweaks and improvements since posting this, but it’s basically the same.