Greetings, I am interested in building a portable cart-based washer build with a target of at least 5G/3k with small on-board buffer tank. New here and doing a lot of reading and researching but haven’t really found this topic covered, so starting one.
In my research though, I DID discover these rolling cart Jetter units, and this is the kind of thing I’m conceptualizing, as a pressure washer build, not specifically for pipe jetting like these.
(Brute Portable-Cart Jetter - Jetter NorthWest)
The Primary circumstance influencing this plan is that I lack an adequate vehicle with the payload and towing capacity for a larger build out. I’ll link my intro thread here but to summarize, I come from the freelance film industry and I do have a small Transit Connect van, but it has a payload/towing limit of 1600 lbs, and while I can likely invest $6k to get a decent equipment setup, I don’t have the wiggle room for a new vehicle, whether a truck/van/trailer. I use this van to haul my film workstation cart as well, and for now I’m building this business as a side hustle to transition out of the film biz, but need to still do the film for the foreseeable future, so I need something that’s NOT a permanent or otherwise difficult to remove system that I can haul in the back of this small van.
I actually fabricate my own aluminum carts like the one I’m rolling up the ramp into my van here, and would likely try to do something the same way with a washer build. Ideally I’d love to build something like the pictured Brute Jetter cart, but if possible with 2 hose reels, one for pressure, one for feed, and like the jetter, with a ‘small’ on-board buffer tank. Weight will always be a concern, but the cart I’m loading up here is just over 200 lbs, and my sector of the film biz operates on location routinely where we are pushing around carts that weigh up to several hundred pounds loaded with camera equipment. (there are electric wheel assist options I’d consider as well if necessary - we use them in the film biz too)
I bought Heath Felps’ book and have been looking into the resources there, and am leaning toward a custom build with a Honda GCX390 and a gear-driven pump, referencing his ‘6.5GPM budget build’ list, substituting the Honda for the Predator, but utilizing the same gear driven Allison pump/gearbox from Envirospec as the heart of the system.
I was also looking at cannibalizing something like this model from BE, but I’d prefer gear drive over belt for reduced complexity and smaller footprint. Model B3013HABC, 5GPM/3k PSI. I know I could start with a variety of 4G/4k machines but I figure if I’m going to go into this, might try for slightly more flow and less pressure if I can swing it.
I’ve inquired with them on the unit weight since I haven’t been able to find that info readily available. They come with a small 12 Gallon buffer tank, and my build I’d like to do something similar in the 12-20 gallon range, since weight will always be a concern. The Brutes come with 300’ of pressure hose, I’d likely carry 100’ on a mounted reel and maybe as little as 50-75’ of supply hose on another cart-mounted reel, and add to these as needed per situation. I’d eliminate the external fuel tank (the Brute has a 5Gal tank to feed the larger engine) and use the GX390’s built-in tank. I’d likely source a LiFePo battery pack to reduce that weight as well, for engine starting and any electric wheel assistance.
Anyone build and operate something similar? Or experience with the Brute Jetters or something similar to them? I swear I’m not crazy, just trying to get the most effective (time saving) build I can get with my current circumstances. Thanks in advance for reading.