This popped up in my amazon suggestions. Decided to google the SDS for funsies. Household bleach and 1% degreaser…
So effective immediately, I’m selling my company to private label bleach as other stuff. I’ll always remember you guys.
This popped up in my amazon suggestions. Decided to google the SDS for funsies. Household bleach and 1% degreaser…
So effective immediately, I’m selling my company to private label bleach as other stuff. I’ll always remember you guys.
Also, if you’re just looking for a chuckle, a couple of the reviews say this works when bleach didn’t.
Thanks for remembering us Rowdy. I appreciate that.
How much for your business?
Are you piecing it out or just selling as a whole?
(Also, I think you let on a little to much about your new products formula, JS)
You can just have it… for the low low price of 10,000 bottles of clorox with the labels removed.
Don’t forget to put a squirt of EBC in there before you re-lable it though.
Geez, i thought I had it bad here. My local Lowe’s was out of 10% sh pool chlorine so I was stuck and had to go to a pool store and pay $7.99 for each gallon of 12.5 sh!!!
Just bought some of that tonight. $3.69 or thereabouts.
Now of course you know that you are dealing with a professional house washer and everything, I would never let my supplies get so low that I would have to stoop to actually buy pool shock from Wal-Mart or anything. But a friend did, and he told me you might have to mix it a bit strong because only God knows how long it has sat on that shelf.
BTW, he’s a good friend, so I know I can trust him.
Makes you wonder what other products are out there that we buy that we could instead get the commercial industry version instead
Like toothpaste, drain cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap, deodorant, soap, linens, food, etc.
“So you just use wet and forget?” I swear I’ve heard this at least 5 times this year… I’m going to start saying yes instead of explaining things
Just tell them you use the Professional version that has a formulation not available to the public. Much more expensive but faster acting.
Flip that around and ask yourself why you buy advil when the CVS ibuprofen is half of that cost?
While there are certain things like ketchup that truly are brand specific, commodity items like glass cleaner, heating patches, aspirin…anything with a store brand…is likely to be the same/similar formula for half the price. This is especially true when it comes to EPA registered products. Check out the fancy kills 99.9% germs that Proctor gamble supplies and you will likely see the SAME registration number on a bottle sitting next to it that says “walmart brand”.
We, the formulation chemists of the world, spend time figuring out what is in those formulas and we duplicate it. Our versions are darn close and you don’t have to pay for the name like Windex or Bayer.
Just something to think about.
I’ve been telling my wife this for years and she laughs at me and call me ketchup snob. I cant wait to tell her what a chemist said!!!
I will back you on this 100%! For me, Heinz is IT! No way is Hunt’s going to compare. Taste is an issue. Now actual cleaning chemicals and medicines…generic is fine.
They maybe similar but don’t have the same taste. Heinz vs Hunt’s vs generic.
Ha! You beat me to it! Hunt’s is very flat compared to Heinz. Generic? Yuck. Lol!
And did you realize their is such a thing as artisan ketchup and mayo? Definitely NOT my thing.
During the season it’s very fresh. The stamped date codes on the bottles will show you it’s sometimes less than a week old. It’s Walmart they move product you know.
Funny you mention that, just last night i saw this video where these guys taste test ketchup to guess the name brand one