20" SC no spin after 1 use

Might pay to just buy a new one that you know what it is…I paid <$10 each for ours…

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Unless you’re running skanky water thru your pump, you shouldn’t need. I’ve never run and never have a problem with a clogged tip. Maybe once every 6 months, if that. You’ll know instantly when you have one.


Yeah, we did it in response to having a rash of clogs early last spring…may well be messy well water, but I would hope we get that out before the pump, so IDK what the issue was. It seemed to mostly stop once we put them on though. I figure if it doesn’t affect performance, better safe than sorry at that price point.

You probably had a rash of them because your guys were laying them down in the wrong place or wrong direction when they were rinsing and blowing crap into them. Have to watch my helper all the time for that and he’s actually pretty good. They just don’t think about it.

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This is also highly likely :roll_eyes: