12v Soft Wash Build - Ballin on a budget

And show me those ring packs lol

Lol. We would throw the piston sleeves in the freezer,

Spy photos bro spy photos you would be so loaded lol nah only kidding kinda :joy:

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Thing burns through 150 thousands of an inch off the clutches after every pass. 48v helicopter starter on the blower nose to start the damn thing on gas in the butterflies then they turn the nitro on, that’s when it gets real.

You really outta let you brother take you man. It’s a bucket list kinda thing for a dude like yourself

I didn’t know they used a “starter” fuel

Can’t do it bro I’m too cheap you knew that though

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No money in the budget when you buy parts like I do

Yeah ,its a hand held specialty starter that mounts on the blower nose with a simple toggle switch. you’ll see the batter pack on a cart beside the car at the starting line. Usually pulled by a zuma bike or golf cart. Start it with gasoline from a squirt bottle then the turn the fuel nob to let the nitro in

I know about that starting motor I was talking about waking up the engine with gasoline then switching up fuels

You know I’m the guy always counting batteries

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You gotta go , fyi, bring your own respirator for the pits and ear plugs. Cost a fortune at the track

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Alchohol cars are easy. Change the oil, refuel and send it. Amazing when you take basically the same engine and incorporate Nitro methane. it gets out of control, alot…

Yeah that guy with wood over there yeah officer that’s him

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I’m having bad helper problems. can’t find ppl that wanna work these days. Got trucks coming out my rear end. To many wands and not enough hands to fill them. I’m thinking of putting an add on the next town over local Latino radio station . The best Dudes I’ve worked with in my life have always been Latino. I’m tired of po dunk Dudes around here.


You’re kind of in the middle of nowhere what did you expect to find with only 4 people in your town

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Oh we have plenty of Latinos here in DFW but once they’ve been here 5 years they start having issues with working hard. I’m having my sister look into bringing on some Syrian refugees next year

This region is plum full of chicken houses. Peco and OMP imports ppl from the Marshall island’s. @dperez

From crabs to chickens, makes sense4e6f641767d0bb0eced52eff38802beb

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