12v hose sections

I don run chems through my reels either

Your reels and hoses are flushed every time you wash something, unless you just leave soap on the building and don’t rinse


Proving my point :slight_smile:

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Here we go again…
What point?
Your way the only way?


I don’t think you would get the point.
And yep, my way is the best way or I wouldn’t be doing it that way.

I do.
But u have to realize that there are others who have a different way of doing it.

I dont use a 12v nir those hoses. And i dont see the point of having sections for them.

But i do not run SH through my reels.

The fact that u dont understand, sorry, comprenhend, that not everyone likes hanay or that u think ur way is the only way is wrong.

Yes, when u rinse ur are not rumning chems through them, you are washing them is not the same as having ran chems through them. Over time it erodes the inside.

Maybe you run your reels to the ground.
Not eberyone does the volume of work u do.

But it is pretty norrow mind of you to only have a tunnel vision, to think ur way is the only right way.

Since my way is right I can’t fathom doing it any other way. To do something wrong makes no sense to me.


now that sounds better, more reasonable… and cordial :+1:

This is true about flushing reel, thinking injector also, but I don’t have the 3 way Shwertz box, so I do make sure to flush it at EOD, ie my whole system. But people forget on the pressure side, that even pulling straight bleach by time it gets to reel you’re basically pulling strong pool water, especially with the larger machines.


Next time get the SS internals, probably not $50 difference/ reel but I use Titan, so not sure difference on the Hannays. But I have a friend who has Cox reels that he runs thru and they’re definitely not SS and are almost as old as IBS and they work fine.

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(12v still has a use)

Agreed. If you scored a 55 gallon drum of cheerwine you could use the 12v to pump it into bottles :slight_smile:


Just get a ball valve & you won’t need the bottles.


I see what you did there

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what reels are you using? we went through 2 Hannays on the 12V before I decided to put banjos on it and just use it as a holder.

I use the Titans - aluminum with SS internals. I know Hannays are good reels also, but don’t know anything about the internals. I do know that the Titans are made in south Florida, which is the bleach slinging capital of the world and that’s all I’ve ever seen anyone from down there use.

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Have you seen the reels from. Softwash system they come with a lifetime warranty. Bumper to bumper. Motor handles switches and even the super swivels. LIFETIME WARRANTY and the are priced comparable to everything else on the market

Yeah but then you’re supporting softwash systems and who could go to bed and sleep a full night knowing they had done that

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ll of our issues were pre-downstreaming…but @Racer’s comment leaves me wondering WTH was done to these…the company is only 6 years old, so the reels can’t be older than that, lol