Door hanger design

When I first started I was knocking on doors and using door hangers I designed on Vista Print. I was really proud of them and now I look at them like my 6th grade yearbook photo. Awful. They’re bad. Also, I would have to put out 100-200 of them to get a few jobs. It was labor intensive and the return was just above ramen noodle dinners. Then I heard a podcast called the Quick Talk podcast and he mentioned a concept called “5 around”. You hang 5 door hangers to the right of the house you’re at, 5 door hangers to the left, and 5 at the houses in front of the one you just worked on.

The return on 15 to 20 door hangers is the same as it was for 100 except I spent 15 minutes hanging these instead of hours. The neighbors have already seen your truck and seen you working on your neighbors house. Neighbors are going to talk too. You’ve got social proof. And if you come back for a job in the neighborhood the next week, now they’ve seen you twice and they’re getting a second door hanger. You’re staying in front of them a lot easier than if you’re just picking random neighborhoods and hitting 50-60 houses who have no idea who you are and have never seen you there before.