DIY Softwash Metering System

This is a booster pump. The most common used in the industry right now are the 3/4 HP and 1 HP.

(If anyone is serious about buying one, PM me and ill tell you where i found the lowest price)

Boosters and 12V’s are similar in function… although the boosters have more oomph, and have less issues than 12V’s, like priming and losing prime. Basically the reason i got one was because i kept having problems with my 12V running consistently and keeping prime… plus a bunch of heavy hitters who used to use 12V’s (Ray Burke, for one) switched to boosters and say they are way better, so i wanted to use what they do. He uses them on multi story commercial buildings all the time.

In function, you can plumb them just like a 12V. Run buffer tank and mix tank to the inlet with a 3 way valve (or whatever), and push it out to the reel. They run on 120V, and a lot of guys will use customers electricity (so free power), but most carry a generator on the trailer as a backup… and quite a few only use generator power to keep from running into any issues using a customers outlets. Personally i bought a $150 generator off craigslist, and have used it on all jobs just to prevent any issues with customers wiring. Nice to have the option to use their power, though, in case generator has a problem, or if its a house that i am confident has good wiring.

I have a 1HP and it works great. I never lose prime now, and i can hit 55 ft + (tested horizontally) with just a 1/2" hose and an 0040 tip. Go to 5/8" and it would go further… use an 8 ft pole or whatever… even more. As far as not running mix through them, you just have to get the stainless ones and rinse them… Ray says his last several years now, i believe.

Again, the biggest reason i got one was because i kept seeing guys that have been using 12V’s heavily for years switching to the boosters and saying they were better… so i assumed they were on to something. Just more flow, and more consistent operation, i believe.

I keep a 12V to use as a transfer pump, and backup. I think most guys do, and some might even interchange boosters and 12v’s on jobs… kinda like an xjet and downstream injector… all tools have their time and place.