Hey guys my name is Frank I am from Butor Texas which is right next to Austin Texas and I just started in the pressure washing industry. I am looking to expand my knowledge and skills. I currently just purchased a Simpson 4200 psi 4 gallon per minute pressure washer along with a BE 20 inch surface cleaner. I’ve decided to upgrade and want to look more professional and make it easier on myself so I purchase a skid from Southeast softwash. It’s currently in the process of being built so I won’t have it till November 2021. But for right now I am currently still using my pressure washer and I just purchased and xjet m5. I am still currently trying to understand batch mixing and how to perform it correctly and still not understanding the proportioners with an xjet and chemical ratios…
So that’s a little about me like I said before I’m hoping to gain some more knowledge and skill please feel free to reach out!!!
God bless!!