First of all I am going to take exception with your comment about being “Jew’d down” and after that if you can’t negotiate better than that I would say whatever you lost you didn’t deserve anyway because you’re obviously not as good a businessman as the people you were working for. That’s as polite as I can be with a moron that comes on here saying that om a post that is over a year old at that. Shut up and read and until you can correspond like a professional keep your hands off the keyboard.
i have a 4x4 DD pump, and a buffer tank… i just have my tank higher than my water inlet. gravity fed works just fine for me. but i also have a platform built into my truck to raise everything
I apologize if that remark hurt anyone’s feelings. I sure didn’t mean to. And yes in the beginning I wasn’t that great at negotiating the deal… but today I’ve came a long way from were I begin I make a very good living at exterior cleaning… have a great day
It’s not feelings, it’s anti-semitic stereo typing that is the same as racism. I don’t like either. Glad you have learned to negotiate.
And I’m not neither, it was a bad choice of a word. like I said I do apologize. And keep on pressure washing…
I used the term many many years ago not even realizing what it meant.
Same here. Felt incredibly dumb after thinking about it.
That’s just it, i didn’t mean it as it came out I’m not a racist. one thing for sure want happen again… And this all started over a statement that read, you can not run a direct drive pump strictly off of a water tote… That’s false info I do it everyday from 5 to 8 hours a day sometimes more, and 5 or 6 days a week. I have no problems and have been running it that way for 2 1/2 years, water tote straight to pump. It leaves the tank with a 2" pvc pipe reduced down to a 1" pvc about 10" before meeting the pump the ruffly 10" Is a 3/4" rubber hose connecting to pump…
I never got my DD to feed off the tank… Pressure was never consistant, has to park perfectly level, I did get it to work one time! For like 4 hours, then it kept loosing psi… Also tank had to be close to full always.
I can’t speak for all dd pumps by no means but only the 2 I have. The main one i use every day is a dd General 8 GPM 3800 psi ran by a 320 gallon water tote and it’s sets lower than the pressure washer it self probably 6" lower and it will pull the tank dry if not careful. The back up machine is a AAA triplex? dd pump (Its on a simpon pressure washer) 4000 psi 4 GPM haven’t used it much it’s just a back up or where I need the extra machine but it will run of the water tank to and the tank has no extra anything (tank with a 2" ball value) i did run my bypass back up to the top of the tank i never have to prime it turn key and she goes to work and pump never gets very hot at all warm but not hot but that is the reason I have the bypass ran the way I got it. I always heard the belt drive units was the better of the 2 and that may well be the case but the dd drive General pump I have has been ran hard for April 2018 made 5 years and never had a issue with it… Now I hope I’m not bragging on it and it decides to go down on me now lol… I did change motors out from a 13 hp Honda (I think it’s a gx390) been a little while since I looked at it, with a 20 hp Honda electric start. Only reason was I got tired of the pull start. I can send pictures of my set up if anybody wants to see… hope everybody has a great day, time for me to go do it again. TGIF…
new to the forum, but i run this pump, its direct drive, it pulls fine from my tank all the way to the last gallon. i assume its different than most direct drives, but look at the bottom of the first page, right side
sorry its the 4SF40GH1, it has been replaced with the 4SF40GS1, but all parts are interchangeble and readily available!