What does your business card look like? POST THEM UP

People Like Credentials after their name like INC, LLC, DDS, MD or PHD etc etc.
I just put the whole alphabet after my name to cover all bases…

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Heres my basic looking vista print card

My card front and back. Used VISTAPRINT, hope you like it.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nice brick cleaning, what products did you use?

SH with detergent at 160F, foam it and let it sit.
Hot water and turbo nozzle for masonry.
For pavers surface cleaner at 180F
Then rinse

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Question for the guys who’s business cards are geared toward residential. I’m working on a name for my company, and was wondering if the name resembles a residential company, would it hurt when looking for commercial jobs? I know some of you have no interests in commercial, so it doesn’t matter too you, but in general is it better to have a name that is not generalized?

Our name is Squid’s Pressure Washing LLC. We do 50/50 commercial/residential.

I was working with a marketing consultant before I ever set anything up. She told me pick 20 names and I couldn’t think of 20 so Squid’s went on the list. It was my least favorite and her favorite.

Her two reasons: it’s hard to forget and it reminds people of water.

She said everyone is ABC power Washing or Jones Window Cleaning, but people like things that are different.

My favorite business names on the forum are @Monsterpowerwashing and Blue Bird Exteriors. (I forget who that is.) because they’re two names on a list of pressure washing contractors that I’d personally look twice at.

At the end of the day, there’s a ton of company’s here with ABC cleaning or whatever and they’ve grown sizeable businesses. I don’t know for sure, but I think name is only marginally important in regards to growing a company. Figuring out what to do everyday to grow the company and doing it no matter how mundane is the big rock candy mountain.

I got connected with the marketing lady through my local SBA. She also told me that 3 colors max on a logo is best and blues and greens are best for service businesses. It’s worth talking with a marketing consultant.

Which reminds me… there’s a guy here locally whose business is called Bearded Plumbers and the logo looks like the silhouette of a cavemans head and he’s killing it. I see his trucks everywhere. Google Bearded Plumbers KC


Thanks squidskc, that very good advice. I like Monster, reminds me of the energy drink. That’s why I am holding off, sometimes a name sticks in peoples heads. I see different contractor trucks all the time and think, that’s a silly name, but maybe it’s genius! Ill check out Bearded Plumbers.

I realize quality work and referrals will ultimately be best, but having a good name can always help.

I personally don’t like names that tie you to one job, say John’s Window Cleaning llc. When he may actually do a lot of KEC. You don’t really know in the beginning what you’ll specialize in so I’d keep that in mind.
Company names i find clever are Publix, Google, Yahoo, and Walmart. I sometimes try to think of how i would change a letter on a word and make a company name out of it, i also come up with clever boat names like ‘Knot for shell’ :stuck_out_tongue:

My .02¢

I’m a graphic designer on the side. Give me a call in the morning if you would like to talk. I can knock you something out in no time and for a very low cost. Email me and I’ll give you my number. Franks618pressurewashing@gmail.com

As for logos, ya always want to keep it simple. For my logo, I chose something that was simple, conveyed what we do, and makes my area code very prominant.


Oh that’s what that means, I always read it as G18. Even though your account name is next to it :neutral_face:

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Haha I can see that. But the people in my area will see it for what it is pretty easily.

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Sorry 618Pressure, I didnt see the post. I might take you up on that. Ill send you email.

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Wow…this could be the best thing I’ve ever seen. The slogan…bravo👏

The back is just a name and phone number in Times New Roman. lol I need to hit up @Tim4


Thanks man. Someone mentioned it on here just joking one day and I loved it. Expanded on it. Used the knight on a horse to appeal to folks not familiar with Sir Mix a lot. Several of my customers have said I saw your card some where and it just stuck in my head.


Wow Dude!

Looks awesome. Way to take a little joke too far. I never would have guessed that name and logo would have been brought to life so… awesomely!

Good one!