Very Advanced House Wash

This roof is more expensive than her koi. I checked to make sure they’re not the $5,000 kind otherwise I’d be running faster than Forrest Gump

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: That’s a good one. I got a good chuckle at that

Got a pic of the back where the KOI pond is? I’ve worked around a decent number of them, not sure what big deal is. No one has ever paid me to spray theirs so I generally don’t.

I keep a Zebco dock demon & some nightcrawlers in my toolbox so I can temporarily transfer them to safety when I work around a Koi pond.


It definitely depends…last one we saw was 2-3’ from the base of the house, wrapping around one corner (this seems to be the preferred way to build them around here I guess…). I told them they could remove the fish and rebalance their PH before putting them back, but no chance we were washing that house with the fish in it. They came back to us 3x really wanting us to do the job because we were being so diligent, still a “no thanks”.

I thought about doing that but I figured i’m more likely to kill them while they’re in my possession than I am by washing the house. I know NOTHING about fish but I do know a lil bout washin. it would be something if I went to put them all back and they were all belly up lol. I’m just gonna keep an eye on the ph level of the pond and be extremely careful. Should work out.

These are the best pics I got of the pond. The runoff from the surrounding dirt goes into the ponds, and it has a waterfall. The lower pond is where the fish are but obviously SH in either water source isn’t good. I’m looking into alternative chems but sh is the best bet so far. Y’all would know much more about that than myself. Its also starting to look like I overquoted her as she hasn’t gotten back to me which is totally fine. I’ll not be doing this job on a discount

Sorry my mark ups in the other pic didn’t save. Heres a better idea

Forest Gump, the fastest man alive | Comics Amino


How did the job end up going?

Went very very well. I overquoted her and she asked for just her driveway to be cleaned instead. I obliged, spent two hours there and left with more money than I arrived. No dead fish or ruined copper and a happy customer. The house is still dirty but I’ll leave it to someone else to stress over.

Thanks for all the help in the thread fellas. It never came to fruition but its a fun thought experiment.


And you got equipment now :slight_smile:

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My jaw drops every time I finish with a house 2 hours earlier than I would’ve with my old rig. Hose reels and a big boy machines are the way to go no questions asked. A very big thank you for the help on that front.