Stubborn roof stain

It is, but I was also showing the pump ups that were recommended to me. Each has their place in my mind.

The Racer approved application device doesn’t seem to pull so well vertically from my past experimentation. Having said that, I did hang my bucket on a ladder hook and pulled from that to hit the shaded side of my pole building roof - experimenting with it’s viability for multiple surfaces and applications. My only issue with the unit is that without a clamp attached to the hose and the side of the bucket you will pull the feed line out. A pump up would be too small for a large section of a roof, but would be great for spot treating like DCbrock was showing in the thread.

Sorry for possibly causing confusion.

You do have to keep an eye on it so it doesn’t pull out of the solution but I’ve gotten pretty good with it. I’m surprised how often I’ve used it. It saves me from getting the 12v out quite a bit.

I’ve used it for SM and for SH.

Sometimes it takes a second for it to “prime” and start pulling but once it does, mine seems pretty good to go. I haven’t tried it on a ladder though so not sure about pulling vertically. But when I’m on the ground, it works just fine.

Even if I had to buy a new one each season, I’d do it. Time saver. Thanks, @Racer.

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I use a PVC drop stick on mine to keep it in the bucket. I actually put a bulkhead through a 5 gallon bucket lid for my X jet that works awesome. I’ll probably add a second one for the signature series Racer Ryobi zap master 5000. A J rod would be awesome on there too.

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i must have missed the memo, i thought it was a dewalt!

Great idea. Not sure why that didn’t occur to me. lol

Slap you one of these together. No fumes.

Is that an x-jet type device?

It is but the lid is the cool part.

The lid is pretty cool.

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I’ve used the same 1 for Glyphosate(aka Roundup), 2,4D, SH, Citric acid, Oxalic acid, and Sodium metasilicate. It’s several years old (Ortho) and only used for the weed killers until starting about 1 yr ago. I rinse it out really well every time regardless of what I put through it. :+1:

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For that little spot I’d grab a ladder and pump spray it with 12% and some soap. If it comes clean you know your mix is off, if not you know it’s something else whether that be worn shingles or a different stain.

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Agree with you, I have one for the house that I use for glyphosate. I normally buy a jug at tractor supply or rural king then mix and spray 2-3 times a year. If the rain would stop here and let things dry out a bit I could get my initial spraying done. It is a mess here, several big storms the last couple of weeks, still have standing water in my field.

what are you using the 4d for? I normally take all my acids home that customers don’t want dumped on their property and use that. Last year everyone wanted it due to the rain and weeds sprouting daily.