Sodium hydroxide dilution ratios

I have no idea since I don’t know his machine size or what his xjet will pull w/o a proportioner in it… You probably are going to fur it some, no matter what you use, so just be ready to sand. A lot of times on wood, especially a project like that, you just have to start somewhere and then adjust. Every project is different to some degree.

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I’m under the assumption that @Innocentbystander was running 8gpm since the late 80s. So I’m thinking his ratio is a good starting point on my 8gpm.

My xjet and 8gpm machine is probably pulling 3:1. I’m saying this purely from how sh works. I know it’s not 1:1

I have never done draw rate tests.

Yes, it’s soponification. Good job :slight_smile: it’s actually a cool process. It takes fats and turns it into soap. It’s the only way you could make soap waaaaaay back in the day. Some people still do it today. It’s called Lye Soap.


4gpm machine. Thank you.

Safety equipment for application!!