Shorted outlet question

Don’t put him in the closet because of what he said to me. He provided humor :slight_smile:


I have never taped outlets and haven’t had to replace one yet. I’ve solo washed thousands of homes by the way. I wonder how much time I’ve saved…


Never taped an outlet. Never burnt one out either. Sounds like you may need a professional of his caliber to train you.

He’s only made nine posts and three of them have been flagged by the community it’s time for a timeout, lol



@RnR and @LiveOakPW, what are you guys doing differently? If we don’t tape up we might get lucky for a week or two, then we will have 5 straight houses with blown outlets in a day.

I don’t spray the outlets, I spray around them. Going on 4 years without a call back for anything electrical related. Will probably have one next week now lol (knocks on wood)

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I’m not sure how people are burning up outlets, the overspray alone will clean around them. You would almost have to be trying to fry one.

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My thoughts exactly.

Yeah, I’ve tried the same. Never spray right on them, but I must just be really unlucky.

I’ve had water rinsing from 6+ft above fry an outlet on more than one occasion. I must just be that unlucky. :sob:

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Let me guess you have an 8gpm?

Sh is exponentially more conductive than water. In fact if you filled a bathtub with DI water and threw a plugged in toaster in there nothing would even happen. It’s the minerals and tds in the water that conduct the electricity. Many GFI outlet plug covers are either installed improperly or are just cheap garbage. It’s really a crap shoot but chances are if your spraying hw mix and it runs into the highly sensitive gfi outlet it’s going to either pop or fry. I’ve had smoke come out more than once and it’s a bit scary. What’s the scariest is when the electrical is hella old and it doesn’t stop burning at the outlet.


Stuffs made better on your side of the pond!

I don’t believe you, I’ll report back later :joy:


No sir, it’s still amateur hour around here.

3 weeks ago washed my neighbors house and he called yesterday saying they heard a crackling noise and smelt electrical burning then the breaker tripped. The weather proof cover was 20 years old and looking at it closer i can see how the HM would get in. I usually tape outlets but got lazy this time, never again.

Convincing enough for me.

Im no electrician but i thought a gfi was supposed to prevent this type of situation. Surprising that the breaker on the panel AND the gfi both failed to do their jobs. I would advise them to look a bit further into breaker size, wire size, and wiring from the outlet all the way back to the panel, just in case something else is the cause of this.

never mind, i reread the last sentence… breaker tripped…