Rinse issues, streaking windows

I hardly know anything about DI water but that’s interesting. What causes it to be bad on pumps? You would think it would be perfectly fine and maybe even better for it. I have absolutely no idea one way or another though.

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I think it’s one of those “technically speaking things” if i ran DI water I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.

The theory is that it is somehow corrosive; being devoid of all mineral content, it “leaches” minerals from the metals it comes in contact with. So far, I’ve only read anecdotal evidence about its corrosive properties.

They recommend not drinking DI water for the same reason: “It leaches minerals from the body”

I’m skeptical of the whole topic. But still cautious :smirk:

Btw: Don’t drink your DI water because of Legionnaires and other waterborn illnesses. Not because you might lose some minerals.


So in other words unless your malnourished or an athlete sweating up a storm losing electrolytes, distilled water is good for you. Everything I’ve read on the subject indicated more pros than cons for the average person that gets a bulk of there nutrients through food even though 60% of our body is water. If it’s good enough for my health it’s good enough to go through a consumable pump.

Not if it’s an an aodd ;>)

It leaches on to the Zinc from the brass pump head… Corroding it away… I’ve been told the pump heads don’t last very long with DI water.

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When deionized water comes into contact with atmospheric carbon dioxide, its absorption of the gas produces carbonic acid, which can reduce the water’s pH to as low as 5.5.