Rick Racer

Ha, it’s slowed down past week or so, down to about 60 now.


That’s what I was thinking. Probably more like 90 hours. I don’t sleep very good and wake up quite a few times a night. If I look on here he’s either up at 3:00 am or hasn’t been to bed yet. He’s an hour ahead so I’ve always wondered if he was already up for the day.

Sleep is a real waste of time. About 4.5 hours a day plenty for anyone. I’ve got too much to do plus I’m afraid I might miss something if I’m asleep, lol.


If you’re like me, you have to get up at 3 to pee anyways, might as well stay up


Dude. I’m a shell of myself unless I’m at least getting 8. Especially after a long day. What’s the secret?

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I dont know how old you are but it’s generally known that older people need less sleep because their bodies arent necessarily growing anymore… now racer is still an exception 4.5 hours is a good nap at best but most older people really only need 6.5ish

Edit: after a quick google I must’ve learned some bad info awhile back. It seems everyone needs sleep and racer is just insane

Oh I want more but 6 is about average now days.

I would kill to sleep 6 hours a night. I do take catnaps occasionally. But if I fall asleep from exhaustion sitting at my desk like now for an hour, when I wake up, I can’t go back to sleep for 4-5 hours. Usually I just keep going till I basically pass out from exhaustion. Then I sleep hard for about 4 hours or so and then good to go.

Those little blue pills you been taking are not sleep aides hahahahaaa

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I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed.


after seeing some of your before and after pics, it looks like youre washing with your eyes closed too! lol


:joy::joy: your tough on me today garry, I was just weighing up wether to get you a roof harness for Christmas but you’ve blown it now.

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Already got one, but forget to put it on until its to late :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I only mess with folks who can take it and that I like ;>)


Quick question @Racer. Is Socar the best or only place to get bulk sh in the area