2lbs for $14 but you can also get it other places. Oxalic from Amazon
Thank you !!!
It comes in powder form. You mix about 8 ounces per gallon so it comes out to being roughly $1.40 a gallon. You can mix it a little stronger but eventually they granules will stop dissolving. I think you’ll be a lot happier with the Oxalic over the Vinegar. That’s what most of us use here as our go to for rust unless it’s a job for F9 Barc.
This is for 10 pounds cause it gives you the cheapest price per pound. They have it in smaller bags though it’ll just cost a tad more.
@marinegrunt do you or anyone else here for that matter have experience with soot ? Does oxalic clean soot or do I need muriatic?
Had a customer offer to pay me big to remove soot. Kinda wanna get it done. Slowish right now hahaha
Depending on the surface you’d be better off with a degreaser and one that has Sodium Hydroxide in it. I would order some BD-200 from Southside. That stuff works great. You might need to follow up with acid if you see any rust stains from the stove pipe.
Got a pic? You don’t need acid, probably a degreaser and maybe SH. W/o a pic, we don’t know what to tell you.
Uncle Rico!
@marinegrunt is that your go to degreaser? Was wondering if it was good enough to pick some up
It depends on what I’m cleaning but it works great. It’s a butyl/high caustic cleaner so you have to be careful what you use it on or dilute it down plenty. @Racer mentioned it to me last year. It’s definitely worth picking some up. It comes in a liquid concentrate and powder you mix together so there’s not much shipping weight for the 5 gallon kit. It’s like two quarts of liquid and maybe a pound or two of powder that makes 5 gallons. They also have other degreasers that aren’t so caustic. bd-20 and I think wd-25 are two I ordered not too long ago but haven’t tried them yet. I should video a test using the bd-200 and purple power side by side. You’d be shocked at how fast the grease just disappears with the 200. It’s only like $40 for 5 gallons so about the same price as box store stuff. A little more if you add shipping though but you can use so much less and, save so much time, it’s well worth it.
I dont normally do things involving much degreaser so all I’ve been using is purple power and I have some extra hydroxide if it needed it… I’ll definitely pick some up then thanks!
OneRestore from EaCo Chem works great on rust stains, this project looks like it will need a few applications but great thing is its brush-less.
Pellet stove vent or is it gas? I’m guessing wood pellets. SO close to the window I’m guessing homeowner installed or bad contractor, usually has to be at least 6’ from a window. If homeowner installed check that thimble on the wall and make sure it is sealed around the pipe itself and around the thimble that conncets to the wall, if not water will go inside. Make sure around the pipe to use the high temp silicone if it needs sealed, lowes and HD handle it. Looks like someone scrubbed the soot into the vinyl grooves already under the window, so that vinyl will be scratched up already.
I’d love to get a job like this, Iooks like it might be shaded there.
A good degreaser should take care of it especially being on vinyl. I was picturing a brick chimney but vinyl is usually easier to clean up. I bet you could spray that bd-200 on with a pump up and the soot would just run off. If you have to brush I like the green multi directional brush on siding. It gets up under the lip of the siding without even trying.
before and after with OneRestore
How much chemical did you go through for the chimney?
our normal process is 2 applications back to back with a 3-5 min dwell (no scrubbing) then rinse off. Im not sure how many applications this took sometimes with heavy stains it may take a few application