Questions for website builders

Hey Frank, when making your site please make sure you highlight not only your service, but also specific areas of your service. Your website can also set you up for success for google adwords if you ever decide to run paid traffic into it. I specialize in marketing for adwords. You can do something similar to the website I did below if you’d like

Start your business and run It a few years before worrying about websites and facebook stuff. Manipulating words and trying to get folks to come to your website is bad karma. Do good work and you will get all the business you need. People see thru commercials an stuff I believe.


That Turbo Wash is out of NJ right? Why am I seeing his FB ads in Florida? Is a Floridian really going to hire someone 1000 miles away LOL

I think out has something to do with the new guy on here trying to sell internet help or advice or whatever. The turbo wash guy is popping up inn my facebook ad thingy. Salesman and internet folks are not real high on my ride the river with list.

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LOL, sorry, you must’ve clicked on his website when I put the link up. We set up a facebook retargeting campaign so anyone who has landed on his site gets an ad. It’s cheap to remarket to people who have landed on your website and it catches anyone who falls through the cracks. We made a custom audience of anyone who landed of his site in the last 30 days that didn’t convert, (these people are usually highly interested in the first place because they visited your website) and had 7 people request for estimates. These people usually are the ones who got distracted on your site, liked what they saw, but left because their wife called them over for dinner or w.e.

@Innocentbystander We’re all salesmen here. Actually, every business owner is a salesmen. You sell pressure washing services, as i sell pressure washing business solutions. For anyone who has a website, they’re internet folks too. Personally, the pressure washing businesses I work with get most of their business from online. Whether Google, Facebook, or Home Advisor it seems as if online is great for pressure washing businesses. :relieved:


I marked his ad as inappropriate. Maybe if your here drumming up business you should turn of links or whatever it is called so we don’t get spam

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it sounds like his campaign did exactly what he wanted it to do

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You’re right brother. I’ll have my facebook marketer put a demographic filter so you guys don’t get the ads if you guys happend to visit his site. I apologize to anyone who got it. Don’t mind if you guys copy the AD copy :wink: It’s worked pretty well for us.

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Jonathan, I run a power washing company in New City, NY. Not too far from New York City. I’m a total google PPC novice but I know it’s important and I really want to own the territory this season, I’d like to learn more about what you do and if get some tips and tricks on improving my campaigns. How do I get in touch with you?

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Sure James, my email is More than happy to provide any insight and help where I can :slight_smile:

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