Possible scam of $85?

It takes half that cost in Chems alone to do a roof

True. But we were referring to a house wash, or at least i was

Anddddd the verdict isā€¦ā€œWe went with the previous company that charged $100 for the entire two story house.ā€ Oh well, canā€™t compete with that.

Iā€™m learning to not budgeā€¦but as I am a newbie, does it still show weakness if I am attempting to gain new customers by dropping my prices a little lower?

So go by when the other guy is cleaning and see if he even knows what he is doing. Or go by in 2 weeks and see if it ever got doneā€¦
It is ok if you are lower on price by a little than the experienced guys. For example the top kid on the block charge 350 and you charge 300. But you donā€™t go in an charge 100 thatā€™s a big money losing business ending gap. Now when I talk donā€™t budge on price, iā€™m talking that ONCE I tell them a price then thatā€™s it. See the difference? I said this before if every other PRO is charging 300 an Duke Nucum is charging 100 its for a reason, lack of skill, no insurance etc etcā€¦

That makes absolute sense. Thanks for the input/advice.