Please tell me this is a hoax

Actually, no. But neither your opinion or mine will change anything.


Using laws to change how people behave just lets us ignore what is required of us to help them with what they really needā€¦


I will have a voice in this generation. You donā€™t speak for me!

Yes, only Jesus can bring salvation, but I am very thankful for the laws that put a restraint on people breaking into my house every night, too.

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I always love the arguments for legalization. It sounds simple on itā€™s face.

Letā€™s say we legalize PCP and you can now go get it in your local convenience store. See any problems coming?

Say we legalize methamphetamine and all the derivations of it made in labs synthetically. As you know tweakers never steal stuff.

Say we legalize it, who gets to use it and when? 21, 18, any age? We havenā€™t fixed underage drinking, soā€¦ do people under that age get into trouble for purchasing, transporting, and using? No age restriction? Awesome, I am closing down the PW rig and opening up the meth and heroin stand outside the school. Iā€™ll make millions. Nothing like training young minds correctly for life.

Iā€™m also not a supporter of the whole MH aspect. Theyā€™ve been doing it for 20 years now and havenā€™t done anything except ask for more money every year. Iā€™m more carrot and stick, heavy on the stick.

Iā€™ve worked around drug addicts, the courts and prisons for over 25 years and IMHO, we canā€™t fix it when half of our society glorifies it and 25 percent of our country makes a living off of it. It is just a symptom of an underlying problem, some of which is genetic and no amount of cognitive behavioral approach is going to fix it (talk therapy). I also donā€™t believe in that disease model garbage they spew, it isnā€™t a disease, it is a choice (not matter how small it is still a choice).

Iā€™m not trying to speak for you. I donā€™t care what you say or think. Laws donā€™t keep people from breaking into your house though. They are punishments for when your house is broken into. Carry on.

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Politics, politicians and the media are destroying this country. We need to come together again. Sucks that it only happens after a national tragedy.

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I am sorry to tell you, but Matthew 22:39 is in name onlyā€¦
If anything, the people you would expect to follow "The Greatest Commandment " are usually the first ones to pass judgement/throw a stone.

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I have not found that to be the case at all.

If anything, those truly trying to follow the second greatest commandment (love your neighbor as yourself) are doing a good job.

But you canā€™t really do the second greatest commandment well if you donā€™t do the first greatest commandment.


How do I claim a free crack pipe? OMG - Weird stuffā€¦

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