I don’t, read the answer again
I am going to call Prosoco. They offer a ton of products. Seems like this is an area I need to improve on.
Racer are you suggesting sodium hydroxide to clean? And then an acid, like citric or vinegar or oxalic to neutralize?
I don’t have hot water but could rent it if necessary.
Yes, pre-wet, SHydrox or SHypo, rinse, Ox or Citric, rinse, walk away with money.
Fine, now I can’t read on top of everything else… I should probably not look at this stuff at 11:30 at night too.
That’s main ingredient of their limestone cleaner. But since the one you were working on wasn’t that bad, I would have used mainly bleach with maybe a little hydroxide as a kicker.
One Restore makes a product too that may be a little more user friendly. Some of the Prosoco stuff is pretty strong and oriented towards really bad historic buildings.
The topic of Sodium hydroxide vs sodium Hypochlorite hasn’t been covered all that much. I think I reach for SH way too much.
Prosoco has a ton of products. I called them the other day and had a good thirty minute call chatting about their chemicals. They gave me the number of their local Rep to get some free samples.
Good John. That’s the best way to research and learn about some great products out there. Kind of the fun part on tackling new projects for me.
Here is a great resource for you:
Technical Procedures | GSA.
I often quote the GSA guidelines sometimes if I bidding a historic building.
Thanks for sharing! There is a lot of great information there.
This is like the textbook I have been looking for. You sir get a like for this one.
y, lot of good info in there.
how much is some sodium hydroxide to sh should be? can be neutralized with citric only! can neutralize with muriatic acid!
Thank you
What are you cleaning?
Home exterior limestone with black mildew.
You wouldn’t neutralize with muriatic acid unless you wanted to eat the surface off, lol.
[quote=“Racer, post:12, topic:11671”]You could probably go 1/2 oxalic and 1/2 citric.
1/2 cup citric
1/2 cup ox
1 gallon of water?
I’ve done some pretty nasty limestone using S hypochlorite and a good surfactant. I’ve never seen one that required S hydroxide.
What’s your neutralizing mix?
Never done limestone! I’m learning.