Only in America!

It’s not that I’m trying to be the drone police, I hope you understand. the only reason I even bring stuff like this up is because I’ve been involved in this hobby for a few years and I see more and more people getting into it and doing illegal stuff.

Every time I turn around the regulations are getting stricter and the fines are getting heftier because some people (not meaning you) are doing some really crazy stuff that’s endangering lives and property, so there’s an outcry from the community and then the FAA reacts. I would just encourage you to get your part 107 license and be one of the good guys in the drone community. Happy flying!


The section on Lights simply states that you have to have a white light that can be used in “sufficient time” to prevent a collision. So if you night fish in a canoe or kayak under 22’ long all you need is a high powered flash light to be legal in my state.

The problem is we have to many regulations in this country.


Maybe because we also have too many idiots who lack common sense?


Maybe so, but we still don’t need the government telling us everything little thing we can do. if I want to canoe down the Mississippi in the dark than that should be my business. I wouldn’t but you get my point. they keep wanting more and more regulations but they don’t even enforce what they have. they only enforce what meets their political agenda


I feel the same way. At least until I’m riding my motorcycle behind a guy in a pickup who feels its only his business if he wants to strap down his load or not. :rage: Then I tend to favor a few regulations. I guess having a tree branch flying at your head at 70 mph changes your perspective.

I get it. I rode religiously and there are some idiots out there that only think of themselves. But I understood that’s the risk that I assumed when I got on my bike,horse, even truck around here. I’m sure there’s regulations regarding cargo safety but like I said earlier they don’t enforce the ones they have

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Guess it depends on whether you’re the one flying the drone or the passenger in the plane taking off that sucks one in the engine.

You got that right!

Common sense would tell me to slow down and give myself some time to react if something would fly off straped down or not. A false sense of security is dangerous always expect the worst. Ive had rocks as big as your fist fly by my head going down the road. I usaully stay ahead of traffic for those reasons.

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Rules only work if there is enforcement. There is very little enforcement in KY, it’s mostly controlled anarchy. The police are just here to clean up.

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