Oil spill on truck paint job

Dawn will not harm the paint it just strips coatings. The main issue is that it dehydrates the crap out of plastic so in a few months your bumper plastic will be white and rubber seals will have a baby powder looking residue all over them. Rinse very well after you use it and then protect the paint with a wax or I like to use a ceramic spray called c2v3 also Adams ceramic spray is good and the best is q2 by Geyon but thats only part of the kit so prolly not for you and its $$$. Another option is to get the heavy off with a wash mit or micro fiber cloth and normal car soap. Then go to the pharmacy if you don’t have some in the house already but you can use isopropyl Alchol on the tail gate paint (avoid the plastic) and that will make sure the paint is 100% clean. You can try just isopropyl alcohol and a few CLEAN rags from the get go and that will probably work and speed up the process. Then after you wipe the whole tail gate down just put the wax/coating protectant on of your choice. In any case you find you got some stuff on that plastic or maybe had to use a degreaser on the plastic your best local product to protect it will be areospace 303 thats at most automotive stores and walmart etc. in the long run I highly suggest either permanent trim restore or T1 Tyre dressing both available at gtechniq.com , if you have any other questions lmk I have most all of the products from all these brands and use them on my personal vehicles and toys.

That’s false. This doesn’t happen. But, if you want it to shine and not be dull, just apply a plastic restore/ wax onto the surface after washing like you should after washing your vehicle anyways.

What did you just state here that I didn’t already? Its not false that it will dull plastic as it dehydrates it. Then I also stated in my comment that to make sure that doesn’t happen to use a protectant and provided a few products with a link to those. Lol its not false or you wouldn’t suggest putting a restorer on it post wash just like I did. If its not protected post dawn wash it will do what I stated and needs to be rehydrated / protected. Note the 2 products areospace 303 and T1 Tyre.

Come on man. Why are you trying to state your opinions as facts? Dawn can over a very long time dull plastic, a very long time, but not if you use it a few times and not in a few months. It’s just a mild degreaser. It also comes in a plastic bottle… And NO it will not dry out rubber. I’ve cleaned windows for 12 years with only dawn and water and guess what the squeegee is made of…you guessed it rubber. If you have opinions on something please state it as such and not as the rule. I’m beginning to see why @Innocentbystander keeps jabbing at you.

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That’s why I just didn’t respond lol

Some guys here haven’t been around long enough to remember this guy. He comes around once in a while, tries to show off and then when he gets called out on his poor advice he just fades back into the shadows. Leave him be and he’ll be gone soon enough.


I do remember him. :thinking: lol

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Family has been in the window business since 1926 I’ve cleaned a window or 2 with dawn. I have also cleaned my toys that were new with it before I knew better so I’ve seen the affects. Be negative thats cool but seeing as how my nice stuff took a beating From it I figured I would warn people here but I guess unless its your idea it ain’t cool. Dawn breaks down petroleum, plastics have oils in them, you referred to protection and restoration as I did with products that rejuvenate those oils back in. Wash then protect like you and I both said…if only washed = dehydrate over time thats a fact and not my opinion at all just something widely know. Most rubber is also like this as well. Not all plastic and all rubber is exactly the same and I would agree some will not have an issue for over a year if unprotected but in any case it will definitely speed the process up. Guys been using dawn to soak new belts in to break them in before installing them for years for these reasons.

Show me this poor advice and when this happened… Only person I did that too was when I gave @Hotshot a hard time about high pressure on some headlights. He just explained his method and reasons and I commended him on his expertise and we talked about some mutual interests we got. Then I just got busy with some stuff and never thought to come on here is all. I think your issue is with who is saying something not what was said. Since I came back this time I have only offered my thoughts and knowledge on what I know and or are interested in but have not attacked anyone but I can’t say the same for others. Sorry to upset the status quo of the clan here I know I’m not a regular but I’m a busy guy at times and don’t always get on here.

Oh bless your heart.