4gpm 4000psi washer, I use 10.5% SH, washing houses, im still trying to find a source for 12.5. Was just using my 12v pump to soap the houses down before
I don’t even hook mine up through my reel. Make sure you rinse your 12v pump out with at least a 5gal bucket of water after every time you use it. It’ll last a lot longer that way. 2540 and 0040 is what you want for your pressure washer btw. They’ll also work good for your 12v setup
and for the rinse tips its 0010 and 2510?
Ok I’m sorry but it’s to late for me to get this deep into this but I know that someone has put a tip chart up. I dont understand why you would bother using your 12v to soap houses but to each there own.
Just for stucco, post treating concrete, roof washing etc, I’m assuming
only because i had no choice, I bought a twist nozzle thinking i could downstream with it, didnt work so i just used my 12v
Use the same ones to soap and rinse. 2510 and 0010 put out to much pressure
ok good to know
Was the twist nozzle a soap nozzle? It should say the orifice size on the package.
no it wasn’t, this website is confusing, is it #40.0 or #04.0? says the 40s at 25 degrees are out of stock, it sucks pressure tek doesent ship to canada
Where abouts are you located again? It’s not easy finding soft washing supplies here…
Vancouver area
The dude from SE softwash on youtube uses one of the ryobi looking twist nozzles you can get from home depot. Would one of those work
Disclaimer- not a professional
Ive seen his videos, Ive never seen those at my home depot, probably only US ones
Guys, just send me your orders and the money and I’ll have them sent here then shipped to you. It’s that simple. Would be better for one of the Yankees to do it but I’m getting tired of the Canucks not having access to decent supplies.
Could a 1/4” hose barb work for a diy soft wash nozzle
Not ideal but yes they’d work. I haven’t seen them here before though.
Im just throwing out ideas
Your options:
2nd story Pink nozzle (comes in a pack with a blue one, don’t use the blue one) and the black soap nozzle. Not ideal but it works.
Princess Auto carries cheap adjustable soap nozzles.
Take @DisplacedTexan up on his offer.
Order from a American PW site that ships to Canada like Southside equipment, and get nailed with duty fees.
ok this helps, thanks