New to this business and just getting started!

changed my mind on this post…I’ll just get some popcorn, lol

He’s going to take a little timeout for things said publicly and privately.

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Looks like you need an IP block capability. Makes me wonder how someone has time to run their business…

We have one. We can see quite a lot on our end. Kinda scary.

I was trying to be nice. Just a small suspension.

But what he just did got him blocked.

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I’m sure…used to do it for an old online game back in the day and had to deal with kids being dumb on forums all the time. You’d think you wouldn’t have to do that here, lol

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Wow, an interesting thread to get through. I think something that is overlooked by some starting out is definitely having an amazing looking website with a quote/contact form right on the first page, or on a big colorful bottom on the top right where it is easily identifiable and makes it easier for your customers to get in touch with you. Along with that, I think SEO is really important because once you’ve got your SEO down, it’s just free traffic/leads from there.

Although I will admit I haven’t completely started my own PW business yet, I’m trying to give advice that I think is relevant, and am open to being corrected.

I’d say you’re absolutely correct. I think those things are the first requirement.

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Appreciate it, working on getting all of those created for myself right now, along with equipment before I get started in August. Got basically everything like LLC, insurance, business phone, website, SEO, etc, and all I’ve got to do is finish building the trailer. A little worried about the recession, but I’m the type to rather do it then just sit around.

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I’m sure, but what’s your monthly spend? And how long have you been doing all of this?

Must be in the thousands. I know mailers aren’t cheap, especially if you’re running tens of thousands plus other sources of ads. I wonder how much he’s realistically paying per lead.

Thanks and I always appreciate the helpful feedback!