New machine, wow!

It would to me. Biggest thing is it’s gonna snap of, not maybe-it will, and then you are going to have to drill out those studs. Unloader block needs to be a priority

We’re all salespeople. if not we’d have no business. but one can sell with integrity and honesty


I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. You got a nice machine that just needs a few minor improvements to make it as reliable and trouble free as possible.

I agree with what others have said: remote mounting the unloader on a brass block is a higher priority than getting a k7.

And I would definitely swap out the muffler asap as IBS recommended. You can make money with the machine in the mean time, but just make sure to get it done as soon as you can.


Oh lawd, the guy is gonna think I’m nuts lol. I’ll get out there again tuesday.

I see what you’re saying about the unloader, that seems to be a high stress point on a small fitting.

While I’m spending your money, replace that intake hose work vacuum line. Do as much as possible to prevent breakdowns and issues later. I promise you that $10 spent now will save you $100 down the road


Roger that.

What remote unloader should I ask for? No doubt they’ll try to sell me whatever they have. Does the existing unloader just mount to a block that I buy separately? I’ll try to read up on the subject.

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It’s a block you can mount any unloader into. Remember we all have opinions. Take what makes sense and forge your own path. :+1:


Ok last question, it asks for thread size…

Are you talking about the unloader block? If so it depends on the size of whips you plan on using. Most use 3/8". Don’t forget to order a whip to run from your pump to your new unloader block. Length depends on where you plan on mounting it. You probably already have a whip to run from the unloader to your hose reel.

So, 3/8.