New flyer-Vegas Parking Garage Cleaning Event 2013

Or the 2 clowns harassing AHJ’s with questions that have nothing to do with garage cleaning. Or the same 2 clowns harassing AHJ’s to the point they reevaluate your States BMP’s. Or the 2 clowns that emailed a YouTube video to these same AHJ’s showing a local contractor doing a demo surface cleaning vid and telling the AHJ’s that he was violating local BMP’s when that was clearly not the case at all.

Be sure to support them & say thanks.

Nothing to add to your nonsense as usual except to say those 2 clowns(your buds) are banned all over the industry sites. Happens when they try to discredit others. You’ll learn one day as we all have.

Much like you and your “Buds”?

Nice try with your uneducated propaganda coming from your 2 clowns who represent you. Allison and EClean magazine explained it best but you Guy are under orders from you boss to keep harassing others that don’t buy into his false claims. Just a matter of time before you turn on the PWRA isn’t it? You just can’t break away from your boss over there.

Why in the world would I do that John? Why would you even say such a thing? Pretty ridiculous, as usual.

Because you jumped on these 2 clowns bandwagons in the past. You posted for people to boycott a distributor in the past(who happens to be a PWRA distr. Today) because of those 2 clowns, you never supported Allison because those 2 clowns went on attack mode trying to discredit her while you stood quite there… Should I go on?

Your not even being discussed I this thread as of late yet you need to be the voice of these 2 clowns who want PWRA discredited like there doing now with the WCRA on there bb. Why do you feel the need to support them here when they’re out to hurt others especially the PWRA?

Slow down brother.

You’re not going to change anybodies mind about anything and you’ll just end up getting an increase in your blood pressure medication.

It will all work out in the end. Let it go.

Parking garages. That’s the dirt being discussed in this thread.

John are you off your meds again? I support the truth, something you have no grasp of. Allison & Thad know the truth and it doesn’t resemble anything you’re trying to portray. They can weigh in or not, either way it’s all good. Please continue your babble, maybe someone will believe it.

Lol… Hey Tim I never took blood pressure meds…lol. Guy wants to start something then I’ll come back and set him straight. No sweat off my back. As for those 2 clowns I never said he was one of them. We all know who they are and what they’ve done. There both banned from here for a reason.

Never took meds Guy except for the couple of years I worked steady nights for a sleep disorder. Its a shame you bring that crap here. I’ll battle you anywhere to tell the truth whether your back on the bottle or not which I suspect you are now. Stop starting trouble and go back to your bosses bb.

As a good actor once said…“You couldn’t handle the truth”…LOL. Sorry just had to say that. And that’s the truth.

Good post Rob!! Obviously Guy can’t handle the truth about the Vegas parking Garage event. Allison Hesters story in Emag explained it to a tee. Guy can’t except the fact that his boss and sidekick(2 clowns) were not wanted there when they snuck in and took pics and posted terrible things in his bosses bb.

Kinda funny there were no Vegas contractors invited to the garage cleaning event.

April 14 will be 7 years John. I actually help people with addiction issues. You can go ahead and make fun of that if you’d like.

Thanks John.

To get to the point I am not a Jock strap so therefore I couldn’t support them. Choose what you wish.

Your just to funny Guy with your snarl remarks. Your the one who always attacks people with the med talks when you are probably the one on anti Anxiety pills cause your having a problem quitting smoking. You also forget I was In law Enforcment and we helped many people who’s children overdosed with drugs. We got their kids to the hospital, rendered first aid when needed or whatever it took to help the child and his parents.

Your trying to discredit me now… And you cant do it. Your the only one defending those 2 clowns here. I have over a 100 emails I personally sent to the Vegas contractors to our parking garage event. You already know that. You clowns counter acted and not only called our Hotel and caused a stop in our actual Garage cleaning for the other contractors, they also notified the EPA and personally tried to hurt Steel Eagle and any other vendor that was there by them lying that we are looking for EPA endorsement for them (Your official org report states this)You already know this. You also know these 2 clowns snuck in and took pics and then bad mouth us on your bosses bb.

You defend these guys because they use you like a puppet. What a disappointment this is when you portray yourself as supporting contractors. I can go on but just keep doing what your doing.

Keep supporting your boss to drop RT’s during PWRA events and others as well just to try and take away people that would come to there shows. You know this to be true yet you’ll just post about phony stories about people taking meds. Real professional of ya.

Rob, support who you wish or not. I haven’t taken sides. You haven’t seen me name drop or hero worship anyone. Neither do I follow blindly. People have problems with this person or that person, I get it. From our talks I know how you feel, and that’s cool. I respect that. But I have no problem with you, never have. People’s problems with other people are they’re own problem…not mine.

My side is my own, and no one else’s. My voice is my own, and no one else’s. My opinions are my own, and no one else’s…but people that know me already know that.

John, show me where I’m defending anyone. Who’s using me as a puppet? Again all that know me know this is not true.

I’m not discrediting you John, you’re discrediting yourself.

That’s to funny but expected from your gibberish. You have no backbone to take a real stand on doing the right thing. Hopefully nobody ever calls your customers to bad mouth you and once again you know exactly what I’m talking about. You know it first hand.

No John I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.

Send me the emails and I’ll look at them…was I cc’ed on them?

There you go Guy… You can’t even speak the truth. You were a Mod on “That” bb when this all came public. You deny being a mod there of course even though you were corrected on that by the admin saying you were a mod there for a year. The person who 1 of these clowns called to bad mouth him to his customers was the… Condo King himself. You know the whole story. We all like Jeff and this was a sad day in this Industry when this got exposed.

Are you going to deny that you never heard this before? You were posting all the time there back then. Once again another terrible thing done to hurt a fellow contractor yet you put your blinders on. Any more info you need?