Neutralize or Not?

If you don’t have a 12v setup and don’t want to use a pump up, I suggest using this gun to downstream. I typically go 10:1 with 12.5% and Elemonator, but if it’s nasty this gun will go 5:1. I have it connected to a 2.5 gallon jug for pretreating concrete. At 10:1, 2.5 gallons is enough SH for most jobs, so I’m not refilling it. With this you’re getting 4-5 GPM, so a heck of lot faster than a pump sprayer and better than batch mixing and using a Ryobi that puts out less than 1 GPM. Now if you really need 4-5%, this gun won’t do it, but 2-2.5% is usually plenty strong.

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It will lay down some pretty soap suds and since it’s low pressure, your mix only goes where you want it, so I don’t have to worry about overspray like you would using an X-jet or downstreaming with a pressure washer.

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You can’t say youngins if your 32, and Beethoven was the only one I recognized in your list :slight_smile:

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What is this gun called and where can I get it mate?

Haha, don’t worry! Johnny Cash & Hank would be on the list too if I kept going. I’m in my 40’s but been playing guitar since the 80’s. The local music scene was the place to be before internet & phones replaced everyone’s social life. It’s a dead scene nowadays but good times were had!

It’s called Blue Mule Spray-all 50. Search it and see if you’re able to order one where you’re at. They are about $100 here.

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