Ned Stevens

They contacted me last year. Offered 5 years of what I take home from the business (which is actually a great offer for our type of business). However, I asked what would happen with my employees and they said most would likely be let go. I wasn’t really considering it anyway, but that was a no go for me.

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I’d sell them gutter guards before I’d clean them that often…

We do that as well. It’s not a fix all, and will almost always need continued maintenance (especially if you’re currently having them cleaned out that often).

Only way to really solve it is to have trees cut down.

Sounds like time for a new business venture… :joy:

None work. We clean gutters with gutter guards installed almost every day.

So do we, and then we replace them…pretty much never clean them after that. We do promise a complimentary check whenever they book us to come out for another service though. We don’t have the insane amount of pine needles here, but if made properly they will work well on those as well, without keeping even water out too…

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Ned is big around here but known for shoddy work and locking people into gutter cleaning 8+ times a year.

A few years ago someone from a Massachusetts called us, posing like a customer, asking weird questions like “What is you gutter cleaning price per linear foot” and “How much revenue does gutter cleaning produce for you?”

I Googled the number and it was Ned’s parent company. I mean, if you want the info just ask like a regular person rather than posing.

P.S. - They’re quite a big company and have their hands in a lot of things. I took a ride through their local shop last winter and there had to be 100+ trucks there. Its too bad they can’t keep people happy though. It seems every few years, when their Google review averages are really low they get a new GMB and start over.

We have some company that started up a year or two ago called Surfside “insert service here”. They do HVAC, home repairs, power washing, lawn care, and I think electrical. Kinda crazy how these investors starting popping up everywhere here recently. They even have called me and made me cash offers on my house.

They’re the company where guys fall off of the roof.

Did anyone tell them they aren’t supposed to do that?

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Well, once you realize they did do it…it can be tough to communicate with them after…

My supervisor at my full time job always (jokingly) tells us that we are fired for misstepping or falling from a height greater than three feet. That way, we are no longer the Town’s problem by the time we make contact with the ground.


My first boss told us (jokingly) that if we fell from a ladder and broke our neck, he’d finish the job. Burial was cheaper he reasoned.

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If you fall, you’re fired.
When you land, you’re trespassing.


They’re like 3 minutes away from me, I always see their trucks in the gas station I go to.

They don’t really bother me since they mainly do gutter cleaning and I do windows / soft washing but imagine starting a gutter cleaning company with someone like that in the area.

Would be tough.

Sometimes I gain a customer cause they did a ■■■■■■ job cleaning windows. I never really hear anything positive about Ned Stevens through customers who’ve used them before. Even those that haven’t used them say something along the lines of “I hear they don’t do a good job” lol

Edit: Just checked their website, they do offer window cleaning & power washing :tired_face:

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Hopefully equally poorly…

If you get bored this winter, take a ride through their parking lot on Edwards Rd by the Wawa. Its impressive how many trucks they have.

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…there are plenty of other things you could be doing to make more money. :joy: