Minimum gpm for washing houses

Don’t hate because your not making it. In doing great. I’m just saying how I started and where I’m at. Not knocking one single crew on here. Your making up stories like Disney. This ain’t cartoons this is real life. Maybe your negative attitude is why your not killing it? Don’t know what to tell you. I do know I don’t got time to make up stories just for fun. Maybe you do. Instead spend your time learning marketing. Its the biggest part of this. Anybody can buy the best equipment. If your not getting work to use it on its worthless!
Grow up!

I’m doing just fine. And I’m just using your own words. You can’t seem to keep your own story straight.

Think what you want Troll!

If you were doing so well you wouldn’t be worried about how I’m doing. You would just congratulate and move on. Instead your a hater. Its how I’ve done it and its been very successful. Hate if you want. I’m just trying to help guys out who are afraid to get started when they can’t afford the best equipment. Its not necessary to get going. I started with the basics. My 3rd year and I’ve been able to quit my full time job and be home A lot more. I could easily start a crew but I’m not looking for that headache. I’m ready to relax and enjoy life some. Ive worked 60-70hrs a week for 20yrs. This is fun to me and work wise its almost a joke compared to what I’ve done for Way Less money. I’m so thankful for the money I’m making doing this I’d almost lick the houses clean!
Again. 2nd most important part of doing this is your personality. If you have a crappy attitude people aren’t going to have you back or send you to friends and family. Its real simple in my eyes. Show up on time.
Always keep your word no matter what.
Always 110% Always.
Treat every job like your making a million dollars on it even if your losing money.
Be nice.
Be courteous.
Please thank you Yes ma’am yes sir.
Thanks for having me and let me know if you need anything in the future.(Just those actions alone will get the normal everyday guy more work then he can handle. Does me!)

You’ll grow up some day. Look forward to it! Its not so crowded up here on the high road!:v::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

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I’m not following this at all.

Exactly what I did!
And when I upgraded I still only went 4gpm!
Completley planned from the get go!

Thus is why I can tell you it worked! Like a charm!
You don’t need these big machines just to wash houses. Believe what you want. I lived it and I’m still living it.

I’m getting ready to buy another machine just so I have a back up if this one goes down so I don’t have to cancel and clients. Guess what I’m buying?
Yep 4gpm!:joy: For me its all I need and all I want.
Don’t assume someone is wrong because they think outside the box or choose different equipment or different methods. I took all the info provided to me and decided how I wanted to move forward and I did it. So far its worked wonderful.
Ill gladly spend an extra half hour longer then the BIG boy toys if that’s what it takes.

But what I didn’t do is sit at home wishing I could get started. I did it! That’s what I try to help others with. You don’t need the best or biggest to get started. Again I’m proof!

No hurt feelings just facts.
Facts are just that…fact
Don’t know what else to tell ya.
Its how I done it and how I still do it and it works for me. Just trying to help others bot be afraid to get started.

I was scared to death when I started. I only had enough to get the 2.5gpm machine with all the other stuff I needed. At house number 8 all I could think after that was please machine don’t die yet! And I washed another I’d say 200 houses with it since then and its still on the truck and goes to every job I go to. I carry it just in case I have a problem I can still get the house done and get out of there. Still fires first pull and its never skipped a beat let alone died. Believe what you want. Changed oil once and Ive Never changed the pump oil. Maybe I got a freak machine or something but all I know is it made me a ton of money and bought me all the equipment I have today. Every week I took the money I made and bought something. 1 hose at a time 1 reel at a time until I got all I wanted. Then I started buying extras to relieve that worry of something breaking. Now I have about 3 extra of everything I can think of. Anytime I order stuff I order 3 extra. It was a big worry for first year and a half. I made it through. I want others to know they can make it too.

You also are putting words in my mouth and making up fairytales like pressureguy. Just stick to facts. This isn’t Disney. This is real world!
Nobody said a 5.5gpm isn’t faster then 2.5gpm machine. Its actually not faster it just puts out more water flow and allows you to rinse faster.

A guy with a 5.5gpm machine can still be slower then a guy with a 2.5gpm machine. Its all in the man running it. Not that you know about being a man but just saying.

Makes me wonder if some of you guys even wash at all.

This is great.

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Come on guys. No need to be mad at each other. Different people have different businesses. We all know markets differ even from town to town. Competition is different too.

At the end of the day who care if @anon61323032 is lying. Also, who cares if he’s telling the truth. We all, well most of us, make money spraying bleach on houses then rinsing it off. People in different areas are willing to pay different prices.

For instance I couldn’t cut it with a 4 gpm machine. The competition is too tight and I have to make money with speed and efficiency. There is no way my minimum wash could be 375. I’d sit around all day with maybe three houses a week.

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The jrod cat is doing a major disservice to anyone new coming here for advice but I don’t think he’s a not job like awesomewash or some of the others. Just doesn’t know any better or is just happy doing good own thing. You can cut grass for a living with a 20 inch push mower or a 48 inch zero turn. If I’m making payroll on a crew of guys, they won’t be pushing mowers. Either way, the more guys out there with inadequate equipment, the better it is for those that do it for real.

Love this part. :+1:


I agree. But it’s not worth an argument.

But you got talked into a gear pump,cause it was just as effective, efficient,ran just as cool, and easier to install, replace, and you got more room…:joy:,kidding, humor,props to the belt drive boys. @dcbrock came along way from the direct Harry homeowners drive. :+1:

Mmm…no, I have a belt drive now.

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I’m sorry, I thought you bought a new gear drive. My bad @dcbrock

Lol no worries. I’m just glad to get a 5.5 that draws from a tank.:grimacing:


Gear driven doesn’t equal direct drive.

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Yeah. But I thought he went from a direct to a gear. But he was smart and went with a belt drive @Sasquatch . Lol…

Exactly. I’m just happy doing my own thing. Being called a liar after working my butt off to get where I am is offensive. I’m just telling how I dine it and how I got here. I’m doing really well. I started very small and in 3 years Ive built the business I have. Ive been able to quit my full time job and I’m making twice the money I was making. It was a lot of work and sacrifice. I worked 7 days a week for almost 2 years straight. I thought I’d die in the process. Barely any sleep just over and over day after day and I didn’t give up and I’m here and doing well.

I don’t some don’t agree but my biggest point is you can start small. I used all my profit to keep buying more and more equipment. It was a sacrifice. I could of never done it just washing alone. I pretty much had to work 2 full time jobs to keep the bills paid while building this business.

I just don’t want guys to sit and think man I wish I could do this. Depending on whether your willing to put the work into it. Its very doable.
I was just trying to inspire folks to go get started. You can’t get to the finish line if you never cross the starting line.

PS. To get on here and “lie” about my story is just stupid. And only stupid people would think that way to begin with. I’m 45 yrs old. I don’t have time for games or lies. I barely have time to post period. I was just looking to motivate guys to get going and make it happen.
I know it can be done because Ive done it thats all.