Leaks everywhere

I will second the loctite. I have used that for a couple years as well and it is excellent. I have also used a couple jars of the Tru-Blu, while not as good it does work. I have never liked using tape personally.

The loctite only takes a few drops as well. Good stuff



You think red is bad, we used to use black dye for chalk lines, you couldn’t scrub that stuff off with a wire brush :joy:

THere are several kinds of teflon tape, some are thicker than others. THe direction of the wrap matters just as much as how much wrap you use. Too much teflon tape will cause leaks too. Cut your teflon, don’t stretch tear it for cleaner joints. Make sure not to let any teflon tape go over the orifice opening. When in doubt, take it all apart (each connection) remove all teflon tape, brush the threads with a small brass brush, reapply, torque to spec or until tight. Turn water on. If leaking, don’t take your finger around it, shut down pump, tighten connections again, turn on pump, look for leaks. rinse and repeat.

If you are not sure, call your local master plumber, tell him you will give him $40 to show you how to wrap teflon on a threaded connection, how to glue pvc joints together properly, and how to use thread locking pastes/sealers. Sounds dumb, but unless you have plumbing experience, or someone showed you, it isn’t common sense. Some of the old timers get a kick out of stuff like that.

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See I’m luckily I married a master plumbers daughter :joy:.

How does someone as young as you know about chalklines? I’m proud to know you

Building Kingdom Halls :+1:t2:


Love loctite. Put a couple drops around some blue tape and that stuff is not going to leak.

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Hey, why is it that JW’s don’t have windows in their Kingdom Halls? What are y’all hiding in there?

I did see one yesterday that actually had windows and I about broke my neck turning around to make sure the sign actually said what I thought it said.

I just keep envisioning indoor bouncy houses and free hot dogs. You know, the stuff you don’t want to share.

Ours has windows, and all the ones I’ve been in have them. I can only guess that it is a security measure in some areas. Sound equipment is an appealing target in some places.

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Once I started using loctite I stopped using tape all together. I’ve never had a leak just using the loctite alone. It works great.


Hmmmmmm. I want to believe you but 98% of the ones I’ve seen have no windows. Listen, I’m not gonna come jump on y’all’s bouncy house so just spill the beans. That’s it isn’t it?


Got those leaks fixed yet?

It’s his fix for when the townships stopped opening the fire hydrants for the kids on hot sunny days due to prices and water waste. He just pulls up on the street corner and lets the kids play in his sprinklers for 30 minutes and then moves a few blocks down and repeats. When he washes he can even take a shower at the end of the day before going home.


Wait until you see the new models, the whole front entry is glass. That will really blow your mind :smiley:

I have only been in one that I can remember that had no windows, it was just outside the 9th ward in New Orleans. Pretty rough area for sure.


With all the heat and humidity this past week here I feel like this is what my body looks like ten minutes after I change into a new shirt. The washing machine is getting a good workout here at the house with me going through 4-5 shirts a day!

The new models? There are models for JW Kingdom Halls? How are you privy to this information? Do they have indoor bouncy houses and free hot dogs?

4 clockwise wraps ptfe tape, blue dope on top. Screw it all together

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Well, I don’t have leaks on my trailer but I do sometimes spray up in the air or into the wind and mist myself. It feels so good lol


Your clockwise or my clockwise?