Injector math please

No tip, straight out of wand. Measurements are approximate except for the ‘soap’, it was exactly 5 cups. I don’t know how much a Home Depot bucket really is, I suspect more than 5 gallons to the top…which is about right.

If it’s pulling about .8%, I’m happy.

No tip is the issue. It will pull much more soap with zero restriction. In order to do the bucket test accurately you will need to use the tip that you actually use to downstream. I’ve Been thru this myself, I wanted to know exactly, but once I realized if it works, it works. Green stuff disappear? It’s working. Every batch of SH will be slightly different, sometimes 15%, sometimes 10%. Usually in between. But the math on 10% is huge difference in 15%. (50% different!!) Just mix 3 gallons SH with 2 gallons of water, DS it, if it cleans in 5-7 minutes your good. Adjust to suit. I typically use 4 SH to 1 water, and 10oz Elemonator. Works almost every time.

Problem is I’m running 200’ of hose and straight 12.5, it’s the strongest I can get without xjetting.

I did the bucket test the other day with the 2540 and the 0040 on my jrod. Came out to 16:1 ratio. So i just ds straight 12.5 with elemonator at .75% and it kills the green stuff after 3-6 minutes. Getting a new injector because that’s as hot as i can get it or maybe an xjet

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I’ll check with the nozzles tomorrow.