Great info! Is there any info on what exposure to SH may or may not do? Either in the board itself or in the waterproofing membrane?
If you decide to accept the job write it in the estimate that she acknowledges that there may be pre-existing maintenance deference which could result in leaks or building material damage. Have her sign it. Either she won’t do it or your off the hook if anything happens. Test spot first and wait a couple days to see if anything happens.
If @Harold can confirm with owner/builder that it is fibre cement board and our eyes aren’t fooling us, I can confirm that sh will work. We have public toilets and schools here that are cladded with this stuff. I’ve had great success with 12 volting 3% mix and worked great unsure if a lower Sh mixture would work as we just splash and dash when there is no vegetation. To my knowledge sh does not effect waterproof membrane coatings, we have these coatings on roofs over here and I’ve never had an issue with 4-5% mix do anything other than clean a roof.
Good to know, thanks!
It doesn’t have to be painted but if desired most systems that apply for concrete also work on cfc
@Harold what was the result of this job? Very interesting thread
This looks like it’s the same thing? Newly built, how to get those hand prints and marks off without leaving spots/marks? Black finish seems like a bad choice.
Pics no worky.
Hot mix if porous but dam sure better do a test spot with twice the % you’re gonna apply, just to make sure.
No organic stains, mostly hand prints and dust, but i have a feeling good results (no spots) will be difficult.
I dont like difficult. I like concrete with a 3% pre treat in the hot sunny florida sun and a 3 post. I run a 4 gpm machine with a 20 inch surface cleaner and if its hor and sunny after nice 3% dwell time i dont have to move slow at alll and of course no lines. Cloudy winter days, different story on speed. Never have lines or problems ever and it is because of all the great education from this and other fourms.
I don’t really get the part about the weather but here concrete driveways is something you see once a year at most.
On this house i am not planning to use sh for now because the house is new and the stains are not organic. But i am not sure how to wash all these ‘modern’ materials with great results under these circumstances, especially the black. I have a feeling white spots will remain.
The weather has nothing to do with it unless it really really cold and the bleach isn’t as potent. Sun and shade are irrelevant.
So, what’s the material? Can’t tell from pic. Is it some type of metal? You got a water-fed pole? Looks like a place to practice with it, lol
No wfp at the moment. It’s a mix of many siding materials and the black panels are some kind of fiber cement panels. The horizontal brown boards are supposedly steel. Then you have brick, aluminum and others.
Am i right in assuming ds’ing surfactant then rinse down will NOT do the job? On the black fiber cement boards i mean.
The black panels only concern. I’d just use soap on it and you may have to brush those dirt marks off. Let your buffer tank run down and dump some rinse aid in there before your last rinse. If it’s a fiber cement panel may not show water drops too bad.
Im pretty sure from everything i ever heard that hot sun expidites the job SH does. Meaning that in hot sun it takes less dwell time to take affect. Just want to make sure i worded it correct so you dont think im arguing.
Yes Steve heat accelerates chemical reactions.
Yes it does. I hate summer but it sure helps with SH.
You’ll get the dust off but highly doubt you’ll get the hand marks off. I would do as racer said surfactant and a light brush, you’ll know straight away.