I don't know if this is good advice that I got

From what I see, most work out here is flat work to deal with bird crap since it never rains. I have a lot of competition but they all seem to focus on commercial over residential. I’m hoping to get the residential business that seems under served.

What mix would you use on stucco in a desert if you don’t mind my asking? I’m imagining that soap and bleach would dry to the house before a 10 minute dwell time could be achieved.

I rarely dwell a full 10 minutes. I dwell and rewet until the growth is basically invisible. Maybe 5-7 minutes on average for a moderately mildewed siding.

In the desert, you’re just looking to break down those organics like bird poop and spiderwebs, along with releasing dust and grime. So 10 minutes probably won’t be necessary. But you can soap a side, and then mist it lightly with water every so often to keep the soap working and prevent it from drying.

Even without mold/mildew, the bleach will still help to break down the bird poop and spiderwebs. You may have to experiment to see what strength works best in your area.


I know 2 guys that live in the Phoenix area. One is commercial concrete only, mainly restaurants and parking garages. The other is restaurant concrete only, but also does some fleet washing.

I just can’t see it being a good idea in that climate to go for homeowner services.

There’s probably a really good reason they focus on commercial. Several big companies I know of out there and they’re primary commercial. Whereas here a person may get their house washed every year or too because of mildew growth, out there it may be every 5 years. If you’re going after residential then I would expect you need to have a strong marketing budget constantly looking for new business. You may not have yearly repeats.

Talk to some other washers in your area, say far side of Phoenix so you’re not their competition, and ask them what they use for house cleaning and what’s the market like.

Who are your buddies in this area? Maybe I could reach out to them? I am now rethinking how I’m going to market this business. Since house washing is tight out here I might just rebrand to a flat washing business since I haven’t launched yet. Still building the truck up.

You’re going to need a 5.5 gpm hot water machine if you do.

Both of mine are multi-million dollar companies that do commercial. You need to look for some guys doing residential.

Do they use power washers? Do they reclaim their water? Would they talk to me? I have a bunch of questions for guys doing this in PHX area.

What are you using for house washing EVPW2021 if you dont mind me asking?

Here’s a hint @FFPW , if you want to get there attention so they can see it, do this.
@EVPW2021 , then the topic will go directly to them.

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@Hotshot thanks

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