I did the search, I swear! Softwash Mixes, what do you do?

I appreciate your PM and reluctance to continue to spam this thread .
Thanks I’m having a great holiday and hope you are doing the same. Understand that asking why it is beneficial to be reducing SH concentration from 1% on siding is a simple question that exposes your inexperience and lack of research.


We will bear with it for a while and enjoy the trolling till she’s gone like the rest do eventually.


Liars, if she is, have no credibility for sure.

You guys get worked up too easy, I wasn’t trolling the reason I kept explaining myself was because I though they didn’t understand the question then I realized they were just messing with me.

Please explain the “looking at my account” comment. I can deal with you being new and not understanding things, but not lying, if that is what it was

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I don’t care if you deal with me, what is this control that you need so desperately it’s the next day get over it. Enjoy your day go with your family it’s ok everything’s going to be ok

I’m genuinely curious about that, myself. It’s a feature I was not aware of. Where do I look to see who’s visited/ing my profile page? @LaylaKessler

Not integrated in the forum but he was doing something that was giving me notifications, it looked like he was editing my comments before all of that I wasn’t really paying attention because I knew who he was before.

Huh. Not sure what would’ve triggered that type of notification, but it is standard practice for a lot of regulars here to check the readtime stats for new members. It gives us some idea of how much research someone might have done before asking questions.

That said, I know a lot of people lurk for awhile before opening an account and building up readtime in their profile.

I can’t edit your comments. It’s ok to be a troll. It’s ok to talk and not know what you are talking about. But you are a liar. Your credibility is shot as far as I’m concerned.

Ok Mr. White

Who’s Mr White? We have a white cat, but that’s not his name.

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Imagine wanting to learn about an industry and insulting and trolling many of the most knowledgeable people in said industry. Not very smart…


We had a donkey named Whitey, but we never addressed him formally as Mister.

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This is sad SMH…
Why do some of you get so ridiculous about things? The arrogance just makes you look insecure and silly at times. Who cares if people asks questions that have been answered a gazillion times. Just ignore it if you don’t want to answer it. There’s no reason to get so aggressive and rude about it. It’s like some of you enjoy cutting people down and it makes you look very insecure and as if you were bullied in the past or something. I see it on here all the time. Frankly some of you shouldn’t comment at all because every time you do there’s some sort of insult. Too much hate and unnecessary bs in the world. Just crazy to me!

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The only ridiculousness I saw in this thread was a girl with a potty mouth going on a tangent because she didn’t understand a very basic aspect of washing and instead of spending the time to research and discover the answer for herself she chose to troll people because they didn’t spoon feed her the knowledge she wanted.

Also, I could be wrong, but, that whole “Mr. White” comment seems like a poorly-veiled racial attack to me. Which is incredibly stupid.


Is that what you call yourself

You’re a bit daft, you’d think since you hold each other’s :bug: you’d know each other’s names

Oh, Layla. If only you realized how incredibly immature you look. Be careful. It would be a shame if you said something intelligent and gave up your disguise.

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Mhm mhm