How big of a tank to get/how much sh for driveway?

Why not? Sounds like a sure fire way to see how much coverage you can get by how much grass is dead after you’re done spraying it at 2%!

And if the grass is really green you can try 3%


I had to do it :joy:

Are you being controversial again Johnny? Lol

Trying not to :joy:

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You guys better be careful with @jwils he can put 30 sheep in their place in under 10 minutes.

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What can I say, I’m a true king country man :joy:

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Who is writing an insurance policy for you at 16?

I just don’t make mistakes :sunglasses:, I haven’t looked too far into it yet I’m thinking of making the first few customers sign a waiver that releases me from an responsibility and then getting insurance if I’m getting enough customers.

I appreciate your hustle but you really need to stop doing what you’re doing until you get insurance and maybe the guys here should stop giving you advice until you get insurance

I don’t usually chime in because I am a new guy. I honestly just read a lot. But this is one of the best pieces of advice. No one means to make mistakes but it happens. Without insurance I wouldn’t even start my truck never mind do a job.


Don’t need insurance to sell firewood, do dump runs if you have a truck, blow leaves in the fall and mow your neighbor’s lawn in the summer. You’re better off making more money in less time doing things that involve decreased liability until you can get insurance and a machine that won’t have you spending 8 hours on one driveway. Being a teenager is mostly just making mistakes until you figure it out and you do not want to ruin someone’s driveway or house while youre figuring it out. Or find a job where you can learn real life skills like small engine repair, farm work and the likes. You’ll do fine if you work hard and find solutions instead of problems.

Ouch yeah, didn’t know you were sans insurance. Not good.

I was at a customer’s house window cleaning and saw three guys across the street trying to clean the same window for 45 minutes. I couldn’t stand it any longer and found out they were 17yo trying to raise money for college. No insurance, no experience, wrong tools, zero skills…$600,000 house.

Until you spray SH on a breaker panel or Pge meter, burn a house down, and then go back after the fact to read @SchertzServicesLLC post to realize that you just screwed over your whole future. Be smart homie. I am a 20 year electrical sign contractor before this business and have been surprised myself. Not to that level but ish gets real with high salts, water and power….

You mean like this massive 1080sf house for 600k in my city?

How does blowing leaves and selling firewood relate to spraying sh on houses? I was listing off things I did for cash when I was younger and insurance never crossed anyone’s mind. anything with power washing or chems obviously needs to be insured.

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Sean, Was talking to someone today and he was telling me diesel like $9/gal out there and gas in LA is 7.43. Is that what you’re having to pay?

Seems fair, submitted a request for a quote and I emailed a local company to see if they would give me insurance at my age, if they say no I’ll ask if my parents can co-sign.

In case anyone was wondering using the RL Flo-Master 1.5g Bleach Sprayer I covered 123sqft using 715ml/0.1888gal in 5 minutes, it seemed to be a pretty thin layer so im not sure if it did the job so il do 2 test patches tomorrow on my own place, 2% and 4% letting dwell for 10 mins.

No it’s only $6.89 for diesel. I saw 87 Hella cheap today for $5.69!

I sure hope the average housewash ticket is about $1200 to deal with that :grimacing:

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