Gutter cleaning mix

If i was you i would not dilute my SH and drop down a size smaller downstream injector than your machine calls for. I couldn’t imagine a HOA with as bad of gutter as i have seen before and my house wash mix has not been a problem when i hit them twice.

Inside or out? Brush or just rinsed?

I spent one hour washing a 1700sqft drive then took the rest of the day off messing with deer plots and tree stands and checking my deer cameras.

Before post treat

I caught something very strange on my deer cam today


It appears some redneck who raced dirt bikes most of his life doesn’t understand a ATV is meant to be rode on 4 wheels.

I didnt know my deer cam could pic up images at that that also nice :joy::joy:


Yeah, running 12.5 and snotmenade, 2.1 GP injector on my 5.5/3500. It’s rated for a 3-5gpm, probably can’t do a 2-3gpm injector.

I did end up using a couple 50’ hoses instead of the 200’, so that helped with ratios.

This stuff seems to be in layers. Hit it once, it all turns brown, rinse…but there’s a hardcore layer underneath that needs a second hit and the HP blaster tip.

I’ll try to take pics tomorrow.


How else would you ride a wheeler?

Had a Honda three wheeler as a kid and I promise you that thing logged more miles on two wheels than it did on three. But dirtbikes will always rule the offroad kingdom.

Ya i would like to see them

I raced motorcross i never cared for enduro. Ive raced it a few time as a kid but i liked jumps. Ive had more broke2 bones than most have had bruises. Also 3 confirmed concussion so that might explain my grammar :joy::joy::joy:.

I was pro for 2 years if that means anything. I get sick of telling people because it feels like im bragging lol. I dont really want to race anymore because that is all i have ever did other than practicing everyday but i do want to buy a YZF450 just to ride i kind of miss the rush of flying through the air. I would probably even do some trails which i used to hate.


I dont know about that. With literally almost 2 decades of dirtbikes riding i would honestly choose a ATV for the woods but maybe im getting old.

ATVs can carry more gear and go through mud alot easier.

Dirtbikes are just alot more fun to ride.


I never raced motocross but we got pretty good at searching out the natural jumps out in the woods. I just loved to rip through the trails as fast as I possibly could without wrapping myself around a tree. I agree that ATV’s are way better for casual riding or for utility but when it comes to fun dirtbikes are way for fun. Then again, I’ve never owned a race quad but all my friends growing up did and I’ve ridden a few of theirs and they’re pretty cool. One buddy even went pro and still races quads.

I bet you could flat foot the 450’s. I’m 6’ so I tippy toe most of them lol

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Lol at 14 years old i raced 2 bikes both 2 strokes. One was a 85 which i coukd touch just fine on and the other was a 250 which is the same height as a 450 with the suspension set right for jumping its just not as heavy. On the 85 i raced with guys my age and on the 250 i raced with guys older than me now lol. My dad put me on the bike at the starting gate and i would have my right foot on a milk crate to be able to touch. If i ever had a small wreck in a corner or something like that my dad would run out on the track and put me back on the bike :joy::joy::joy:. I bet it was so embarrassing to lose to a teenager who couldnt even touch the ground on his bike. I liked racing the 85 more because i could control the bike better but on the 250 i could skim through bthe whoops with only my back tire skimming the tops of them. On the 85 i could only triple and quadruple them.

Edit: Actually i was younger than 14 more like 12.

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Yeah I bet they loved getting smoked by a kid with barely any hair on his chest hahaha

I believe i only had one armpit hair and i had given it a name.



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As promised.

Got all 75 units done, what a job. That stuff was really stubborn.


Good job. Know you’re glad to be done with it.

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Nice @dcbrock. I wanted to see how dirty they was though lol but hey you made some money, learned some lessons and strengthened your bond with the HOA cant complain about that but i know you can abkut how you back fines right now.

Yes, definitely glad to be done.

As an added bonus, many of the residents aren’t too thrilled with the lower gutters being dirty, and I was told the sidewalks going to the front doors are the responsibility of the HOA. They’re very dirty.:+1:

The back of the condos are in dire need of a cleaning. I may have to get a better shooter tip though.

If the gutters aren’t coming clean run straight SH through chem injector on them.


Thats what he is doing. I usaully dont have a problem when i do that.

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