Fence question

Well let me rephrase, I can downstream, but what I originally meant was that I am assuming that the outgoing mix wouldn’t be strong enough?

I can keep replying but the answer is the same. You don’t have equipment to be in business. You don’t know how to wash a fence. These aren’t search or ask questions problems… These are go buy equipment and practice and experiment problems


:+1: got it

Omg, really, thanks for free teaching us newbies IBS, does it also work like oxalic in rust?

No. It just acts as a neutralizer on decks

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Looks awesome how long do you let oxalic dwell before rinsing, if you rinse oxalic off?

I usually let it dwell about 10 mins before rinsing

Would you change anything about those notes? Typed them up for reference.

Wood Restoration Guide

Pretty basic, but I guess a good starting point. On psi I would change from 800-1400 depending on wood type. Down there you have a lot of cedar so maybe 800-1100. At the end you need to put in ALL CAPS - "IT DEPENDS’


Lol @ “IT DEPENDS” :rofl:

That’s a good starting point but there are a lot of different variables with wood. There’s no “one size fits all”. I was thinking the same thing about the pressure. 600 psi is a tad low for wood.i Remember, when pressure washing wood you’re not only cleaning it but also removing a dead layer of wood. You have to have enough pressure to remove it but not so much you damage what’s left.


Agreed, I just saw the notes and retyped them, then wanted to see if anyone had more input. I’m looking for a basic “start here” template. Everything in this industry requires experience, patience, and a “feel” for it from what I’m seeing.

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Heath, I went to your site last night and was thoroughly impressed by the depth of knowledge shared and time you spend not just creating content but also setting yourself up in your market as the source for everything pressure washing. BRAVO!!!


Thank you George I appreciate the kind words.

Hello guys. This is some GREAT content!! I have a question though. Would this be a good second option for the OXILIC application on wood? I have oxilic powder but I’m curious if this stuff actually
“brightens/neutralizes” the wood as well as the powder. The ingredients only says it contains oxalic acid and surfactants. I’m wondering if it will work in a pinch and for rust removal as well. Thx again guys. God bless you

You have the powder, and I’ll bet you have a decent surfactant. Why spend the extra $$?

Stick with the powder. No need for a surfactant when neutralizing. Just adds time for unnecessary rinsing.

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I wonder if this would allow easy downstreaming of oxalic. Might cost more, but $10 to downstream oxalic and save some time. I’d be good with that.

SDS shows ox is between 1-5%.
But it also has some other chems in it, too.

Zep SDS info

Could be a decent option I suppose for the cold water washers that have a hard time dissolving oxalic.

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How far will 1 pound of the Citric Acid go?