Downstream ratio

You havent been helpful like the rest of the guys. I came here to learn. All you do is talk down on alot of guys. Like you never made mistakes in your life.

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Iā€™ve made a ton of mistakes. The advice I give here is learned from those mistakes. Itā€™s great that you came here to learn. But, you need to learn before you start offering services for hire. So, suggest they call a professional contractor. Maybe pay that contractor to train you. Or, keep researching here. But you donā€™t need to be charging people or experimenting on their property yet.

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I have done like 12 jobs so far and they all have came out good. I just had a problem with this one. You shouldnt discourage anyone. The other guys have answer my questions even if it sounds stupid. I go on here for support. Speed racer has given me alot of help as well through dms. We learn from mistakes and once we learn from those mistakes, now we decide to either do that job or never again. When you made those mistakes, did you have the courage to speak up or post the pictures ? Then you have another person telling you, dont be a pressure washer, go get professional help, skip the job because you dont know what you are doing? Or anything in that sort? Anyways have a blessed Saturday

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When I made those mistakes there was no Internet to post anything to. Iā€™m not going to waste time arguing with you as it will do neither of us any good and you donā€™t wonā€™t to listen to advice you donā€™t like. Go do whatever you like. Speed Racer lol. Thatā€™s a good one @Racer

You are like the bully in this forum. Just dont be replying to anything i post. Mr. PERFECT.


Bully good ole chap, bully good. Or maybe thatā€™s bloody good. Iā€™m not British so Iā€™m guessing.

LOL, Iā€™ve been called worse.


Iā€™ve been called a bully and perfect in the same comment. Top that.

Perhaps both could be true? Howā€™s your insurance coverage?

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