Dawn Construction Dust Wash

Damn, if this is all I need as a good surfactant than you’ve just made my day. Very easy to get here. Thank you so much!!!

Elemonator does not ship to Canada. Ive heard of Fresh wash Lemon being able to be ordered from the states but never Elemonator (which is too bad because this whole forum raves about it).

Only issue here is it seems that I can use it for my dust job but not as a surfactant. Can’t mix oxiclean with bleach :frowning:

Yes you can all day long. The A&H only has a small amount in it anyway. They’re both bases.
To elaborate, the ph of oxiclean is 10.50 whereas bleach is around 12. You wouldn’t necessarily mix straight oxiclean with SH since they’re somewhat similar but nearly all laundry detergents are bleach friendly. I use to use A&H with the oxi for my roof mix surfactant for years.

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I’m not recommending that anyone mix Oxi Clean and SH. I said Arm & Hammer liquid detergent with Oxi Clean. It’s already in the jug of detergent and it’s in a very small amount that I don’t think it could ever actually have a negative or dangerous reaction. I’ve been doing it for years now. Still here.

If anyone reading this still doesn’t feel comfortable with it then by all means don’t mix anything but SH stable surfactants with SH.


Amazing. Thank you for sharing that!

I just wanted to thank everyone one more time. You’ve all helped more than I can even begin to explain. Time to take my business to the next level… now to tackle my catch basin problem… :joy:

You guys are all amazing!!!



I second this. I love this stuff when I run out of Elemonator.

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I would use a surfactant and treat it like a normal wash.

Same here!

oxi clean = oxygenated bleach = sodium percarbonate

For those who don’t know

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